It is my contention that any politician who runs on a "tough on crime" platform should be investigated for corruption.…
Apologies for the rambling but I have a half-formed thought I wanted to work through here. It feels like a…
Thanks! Done partly for realism, and partly so I'd have one word less to fit in the balloon. :-p
I like the realistic touch where you have the Republican congresscritter say "ban trans from participating in sports," instead of…
Category Archives: Social Security
Cartoon: It’s A Matter Of Perspective
[spoiler]Panel 1 An old man, who is a Senator, wearing a suit and tie, sits behind a large desk. There is an American flag behind the desk. SENATOR: I love being a Senator. Lots of assistants, comfy chair, the pay … Continue reading
Posted in Cartooning & comics, Social Security
“Exhaustion” doesn’t mean “broke”
The Washington Post, justifying their claim that Social Security is “going broke,” writes: Is “going broke” too strong? Well, let’s ask the experts — the trustees of the Social Security Trust Fund, who include President Obama’s Treasury, labor, and health … Continue reading
Posted in Social Security
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Bush's Chief Economist Predicts Social Security "Crisis" Will Never Happen
Capital Commerce ((Curtsy: Economist’s View.)) quotes Edward Lazear, the Chair of Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers, answering a question about productivity growth: I wouldn’t necessarily say 3 percent. But I would expect that we could expect to see high rates, … Continue reading
Posted in Social Security
Sweeney is the perfect accompaniment to a tough-on-crime comic. I bet the Judge had invested money in the prison industry.