Mickey Kaus, Plagiarist

Your pathetic, quixotic campaign was good for a little Schadenfreude. But when you start plagiarizing Paul Wellstone, it stops being funny and starts being enraging.

Earth to Mickey: Paul Wellstone stood on the side of unions, gays, immigrants, and teachers. Everything you stand against. If there is proof that there is no God, it is that Paul Wellstone is dead, and you’re still wandering around as if you have something worthwhile to say. Go back to your goats, and leave us alone.

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2 Responses to Mickey Kaus, Plagiarist

  1. 1
    nobody.really says:

    Paul Wellstone stood on the side of unions, gays….

    … but not gay unions. In 1996 he voted for the federal Defense of Marriage Act (although in his 2001 autobiography Conscience of a Liberal he revealed that he regretted this vote).

  2. 2
    Jeff Fecke says:

    This is true, although Wellstone at least had the guts to go to the LGBT caucus of the DFL and discuss it with them — and he received their ringing endorsement despite his vote. And given where Wellstone was by 2001, I rather suspect the Wellstone of 2010 would be strongly in favor of gay marriage. And while I think we can agree that Wellstone was wrong in 1996, it should be noted that on issues of gay rights, 1996 is a long way from 2010.

    At any rate, Wellstone never defended the right of bars to tell homosexuals they weren’t welcome. Mickey Kaus has.