New blogs on the ol' blogroll

Here’s a bunch of new additions to the blogroll…

  • I sure did Bean a favor when I put Des Femmes on the blogroll – she came up to me the next day ranting about how it is the best blog ever! Lately Des Femmes has been doing a take-no-prisoners series expressing disgust as the rise of sexist insults (like “pussy”) among liberal men in the blogoverse. Take Bean’s (and my) word for it – check it out.
  • And also on the feminist blogroll, The Secret of This Girl. Very cool stuff. Plus, I think she’s British, so This Girl provides a break from all the American blogs I usually link to.
  • And another way-keen feminist blog: Utopian Hell. The design is also quite nice, which I realize not everyone cares about it but it matters to me.
  • Biz Fems Speak!, a new group blog written by a group of (mostly) female business professors, focusing on business and regulatory issues.
  • Get Religion, an engaging liberal blog about – you guessed it – religion.
  • Finally, my old friend Rob Hayes has started a blog, Let’s Try Freedom Instead. Rob, alas, is so far right that he needs a telescope just to read his watch. But he’s also a funny and clever writer, so if you read right-wing blogs, I recommend trying Bob’s. (I thought his most recent post, on why Vietnam is worse for Kerry than for Bush, was totally on-target – although given the new revelations about Bush’s AWOLness, Rob may need to downgrade Bush from a 4 to a 2).
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5 Responses to New blogs on the ol' blogroll

  1. 1
    Astarte says:

    Thanks, Ampersand. :) Part of the fun of blogging for me is to get to flesh out designs and make them really work for me. I appreciate the linkage. :)

  2. 2
    Kristjan Wager says:

    Must admit Des Femmes doesn’t work for me – I think she would have been better off writing about why some words are degrading rather than posting endless numbers of posts giving examples of liberal posters that uses words she finds offensive.

    I can see her point, but it doesn’t make good blogging in my oppinion.

  3. 3
    Joe M. says:

    FYI: Get Religion isn’t a “liberal” blog. More an evenhanded news blog that sometimes seems to lean conservative. Not that these labels mean that much.

  4. 4
    Hugo says:

    We need to take up a collection to buy “Secret” some more bandwidth, I think… I added her and Astarte this week; Des Femmes is probably going to be on the list soon.

  5. 5
    Echidne says:

    I have to check Des Femmes out. The use of misogynistic language in the blogs is something I’ve noticed a lot and I blogged about it a couple of times. There are two interesting developments: 1. The large number of terms derived from female sexual behavior (slut, bitch, whore, blowjobs, kneepads) and 2. That these insults are used almost gender-blindly to apply to both men and women. Though Ann Coulter gets double doses.

    The question is of course whether calling men a bitch makes it non-misogynistic. I don’t think so, but perhaps I’m wrong.

    Pussy is also common on lefty blogs, and so is cunt. They are used to express rage at someone not fighting back (in the first case) or being really nasty (in the second case).

    But to be fair, some male terms are also used and the majority of commenters don’t use these terms much if at all. And normally when I butt in I don’t get attacked for being all prissy and without a sense of humor.