"Alas" will not be down tomorrow (Friday) after all

This post used to say that “Alas” might be down for a while tomorrow, and that furthermore you’d better not post or anything because it might not be saved, while “Alas” is moved to a new (and faster) location on “Alas”‘s host.

But that’s all done now, so never mind. And “Alas” should now load faster, too. Huzzah! Thanks, Eric!

UPDATE: Unfortunately, not everything is peaches and cream. As some of y’all may have noticed, ever since the move mt-blacklist (the anti-spam plugin “Alas” uses) has stopped working. When I got to mt-blacklist.cgi on the “Alas” server, I get this error message:

An error occurred: Can’t locate object method “load” via package “MT::PluginData” (perhaps you forgot to load “MT::PluginData”?) at /space0s2/www/poliblog.com/amptoons/cgi-bin/extlib/jayallen/Blacklist.pm line 2945.

If any “Alas” reader has a suggested solution to this problem, please feel free – heck, feel obliged! – to share it with me in the comments. :-)

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23 Responses to "Alas" will not be down tomorrow (Friday) after all

  1. 1
    lucia says:

    I nearly always post during the day!

    I don’t envy you tonight! I’m sure transferingall the files is no fun at all.

  2. 2
    Eric says:

    test comment.

  3. 3
    Eric says:

    yet another test

  4. 7
    Eric says:

    comments work, and i’ve learned to count to five.

  5. 8
    Eric says:

    amptoons.db.tar.gz 12729313 bytes
    amptoons.tar.gz 20869745 bytes

    ignoring the time the ftp ran moving the two tarballs, about 10 minutes operator time to install and fix the knock-five-times permissions setting, with time left over to commit one pilot error and serve an avocado to an insistant 2.

  6. 9
    jstevenson says:

    Maybe I can get some work done. I think someone may get prosecuted tomorrow morning.

  7. 10
    lucia says:

    I sent an email.. the it occurred to me you are probably getting so much spam you’ll miss it.

    Blacklist.pm is a perl module.
    Theory 1: You copied it to the right place on the new host, but didn’t set the read/write permissions! Set them to
    owner read/write/search,execute all yes.
    Groups/everyone to read/search, execute only.

    Theory 2: You didn’t reallize you need to install perl modules. Install Blacklist.pm in the directory indicated, then set the read/write permissions!

  8. 11
    lucia says:

    I should have read the error mssg more carefully…

    The Perl module Blacklist.pm was found, and seems to be running — since it’s bombing on line 2945!

    But, it’s still possible that other files are missing, and/or read write permission is not set.

  9. 12
    Ampersand says:

    The permissions are correctly set (I thought of that too, but went and checked, and they are all at 755 or greater, which is what the installation instructions call for).

    I also re-FTP’d the installation files (there are only five) from scratch, but that didn’t fix it either.

  10. 13
    lucia says:

    I found this web page– looks like it might help because it’s by
    who is listed in the directory call!

    This seems to be a common error. He or she discusses what you have to do depending on which version of Perl are installed on the servers.

  11. 14
    Ampersand says:

    I’ve tried the solution suggested there, which is installing mt-blacklist via the less easy path. No dice – didn’t change a thing.

    Which maybe means I messed up, but if so, I can’t spot my error.

    Very frustrating.

  12. 15
    Ampersand says:

    The only thing I could think of is, maybe I screwed up the directory? I told it to use this directory:

    I know the endbit (everything after cgi-bin) is correct, but maybe the beginning stuff about “space)s2/” is a mistake. Anyone know?

  13. 17
    Eric says:


    The string “/space0s2/www/poliblog.com/” is correct, as is everything to the right hand side.


  14. 18
    lucia says:

    I added a bunch of IP’s to the IP block list to reduce the spammer. Some are changing IP’s so this may not help much, — but it may help a little.

  15. 19
    Eric says:

    It will help with some spammers. Others will simply use a large set of compromised machines to carry out the same number of ad inserts.

    Blogs that keep “open” for posts months old invite “buried ads” that simply get eaten by crawlers for the purposes of generating rankings. MT needs a lot of work in this area.

  16. 20
    lucia says:

    Hmmm… maybe I should routinely close comments after a few weeks?

  17. 21
    lucia says:

    I also learned adding to the IP banned list seems to work differently than I expected. I thought it would only block future posts– but I noticed the porn spams were taken out immediately.

    I guess the IP blocking is pretty dangerous.

  18. 22
    Nathan Dornbrook says:

    Did you check the permissions not just on the files, but on the directories in which they rest? I had to `chmod 755 ./jayallen` and `chmod 755 ./jayallen/Blacklist_Config/` from the extlib directory before this error went away for me.

  19. 23
    Ampersandq says:

    Thanks, but I did CHMOD the directories, and that didn’t solve the problem for me. (Although it was eventually solved, so all is well).