Jane Yolen Praises Hereville!

A very nice recommendation from a very admired writer. Thank you, Ms. Yolen!

“An unusual eleven-year-old orthodox Jewish girl with more chutzpa than Yentl seeks a magic sword, and has an epic battle with a troll, as author/illustrator Barry Deutsch offers up a mitzvah–a graphic novel which has joy, style, lots of Yiddishkeit, adventure, and magic. Not all of it kosher! (There is a goyisch pig after all.)”

Jane Yolen, author of The Devil’s Arithmetic, Naming Liberty, and O Jerusalem as well as the graphic novel, Foiled.

(Remember, Hereville is now available for preorder!)

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One Response to Jane Yolen Praises Hereville!

  1. Kevin Moore says:

    Holy crap, Barry! The love just keeps rolling in. SLJ was a great endorsement, but Yolen, too?!?! WOW!

    All deserved, of course.

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