The Funniest Bits of Judge Walker's Refusal To Stay Same-Sex Marriages

(Crossposted on “Alas” and on “TADA.” Arguments against SSM should be taken to “TADA,” please.)

Judge Walker has refused to permanently stay his ruling overturning California’s Proposition 8. Unless a higher court intervenes, same-sex couples in California will again have the right to marry beginning on August 18th. (pdf link)

I don’t know how likely a higher court is to intervene. But hopefully, this will create another window of opportunity for marriage equality — and yet another real-world demonstration that, contrary to the claims of SSM opponents, the sky will not fall. No matter what, this is good news for whichever happy couples choose to get married.

Walker’s ruling argued that the opponents of proposition 8 are unlikely to win on appeal, because they might not even have standing to appeal. In order to have standing to appeal a decision like this, you need to either (1) be the designated representative of the State of California, or (2) demonstrate that not issuing a stay will cause the person filing the appeal “a concrete and particularized injury that is actual or imminent.”

So once again, it comes down to straight people trying to explain to a court how gay couples marrying causes them harm. And once again, no dice.

The two funniest part of Walker’s ruling:

In Lockyer v City & County of San Francisco, the California Supreme Court explained that the regulation of marriage in California is committed to state officials, so that the mayor of San Francisco had no authority to “take any action with regard to the process of issuing marriage licenses or registering marriage certificates.” 33 Cal 4th 1055, 1080 (2004). Still less, it would appear, do private citizens possess authority regarding the issuance of marriage licenses or registration of marriages.

An anti-gay legal ruling used as precedent to deny a stay of gay marriage… that’s sweet. As Kip tweeted, “Oh you know that rhetorical knife? Let me twist it for you.”

And this made me giggle (bold by me):

Proponents also point to harm resulting from “a cloud of uncertainty” surrounding the validity of marriages performed after judgment is entered but before proponents’ appeal is resolved. Proponents have not, however, alleged that any of them seek to wed a same-sex spouse. …proponents do not identify a harm to them that would result from denial of their motion to stay.

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9 Responses to The Funniest Bits of Judge Walker's Refusal To Stay Same-Sex Marriages

  1. Kip Manley says:

    Oh that second one is squee-worthy. That is one of the most deeply satisfying fuck yous I’ve read in one hell of a long time.

  2. Anne says:

    I love this order SO MUCH. I pronounce this sequel even better than the original!

  3. Elusis says:

    I’m not a big Twitter user, but one of my favorite Tweets that was passed on by friends was this one, from Jay Smooth of Ill Doctrine:

    “Witnesses say Judge Walker delivered his prop 8 ruling while holding up a handwritten cardboard sign, that read “CMON SON””

    For this one, I just picture him holding up that same sign, shaking his head slowly.

  4. RonF says:

    In order to have standing to appeal a decision like this, you need to either (1) be the designated representative of the State of California, or (2) demonstrate that not issuing a stay will cause the person filing the appeal “a concrete and particularized injury that is actual or imminent.”

    So you’re saying that having lost this suit, you expect that the State of California will decline to appeal?

  5. Dylan T. says:

    So you’re saying that having lost this suit, you expect that the State of California will decline to appeal?

    They have declined. From, e.g., the Washington Blade:

    California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the state’s attorney general, Jerry Brown, filed papers last week that sought to immediately reinstate same-sex marriage in the Golden State. Last year, when same-sex couples filed their lawsuit seeking to overturn Prop 8, Brown refused to defend the same-sex marriage ban law and Schwarzenegger did not challenge Brown’s decision.

  6. mythago says:

    RonF, you can read the stay opinion here.

    The short version is:
    – Somehow, the legal geniuses for Yes on 8 managed not to make an argument that they had standing.
    – The factors for an emergency stay are at the top of page 3.
    – The Yes on 8 argument was that the other side would suffer irreparable harm. This is a legally invalid argument. The party requesting the stay must show that it will “be irreparably injured” absent the stay.

  7. Elusis says:

    The Yes on 8 argument was that the other side would suffer irreparable harm. This is a legally invalid argument.

    I love this. I wonder if it’s the first time in history that the party pursuing an appeal has asked for a stay of their initial defeat because they argued lack of a stay during their appeal would hurt the people initially hurt by them enough to pursue a case against them in the first place (and win)????

    “There’s glory for you!”

  8. Walker’s ruling argued that the opponents of proposition 8 are unlikely to win on appeal, because they might not even have standing to appeal.

    Unless I’m misunderstanding you, opponents of Prop 8 aren’t likely to appeal because they already won. Proponents may not have standing.

    Which is kind of a shame, I’d like this ruling to be binding on the entire Ninth Circuit, not just N.D.Cal.

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