The Author’s Tent, a blog specializing in author interviews, was kind enough to interview me about Hereville. Amazingly, Hereville was the first graphic novel the interviewer had ever read, but that didn’t stop her from asking good questions. Check it out!
When capitalized, "Sie" is the formal way to address adults of either gender in polite German. I majored in the…
Yeah, yeah, more praise for Barry & the book.
But, I must admit, this interview provides more insights into Barry himself. In particular, I really had never considered that if I asked Barry to talk with me about his book and we exchange a few emails, I could weedle an advanced copy out of him. So Barry, heard you got a nice little book there. Got a moment to chat…?
The advanced copy isn’t as good a deal as it sounds — it’s a softcover in black-and-white. :-P
Not nearly as beautiful as the full-color, hardcover, book. Which anyone can buy here, come to think of it. :-D
By the way, I now have copies of the book, and will begin mailing out orders tomorrow.
I’m sorry — did you just say that the full-color, hardbound book is now available for anyone to buy right here?
Barry, Barry, Barry — why didn’t you say something? Must we constantly drag this information out of you?
I bought mine at Green Apple Books in San Francisco (Clement @ 6th) last night. It was in the main store, mezzanine level, on the case that’s the left-hand side of the arch to the stockroom. Should I have preordered instead?