So This is What Two Feet of Snow Looks Like

My mother sent me this photo, which was forwarded to her by “this came from my friend in denver who has a friend in maine who has nothing better to do with his time.” I just can’t resist posting it.

two feet of snow.jpeg

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11 Responses to So This is What Two Feet of Snow Looks Like

  1. 1
    Michael Cash says:

    Ha! I was not expecting to see that.

  2. 2
    queenrandom says:

    Thanks for the morning laugh, I needed it :D

  3. 3
    RonF says:

    Here’s something I’ve not seen before. How did male pronouns become the default in English?

    Apparently it was a woman’s idea.

  4. 4
    Robert says:

    Huh. That’s really interesting, Ron. Personally I just use “they”. It sounds and looks fine on the page, avoids the awkward and jarring and neologisms, and now I find it has the hoary weight of tradition behind it.

  5. 5
    Lilian Nattel says:

    That is fabulous! I’m grinning from ear to ear.

  6. 6
    Ampersand says:

    Richard: Groooooooaaan.

  7. Amp: that’s exactly what my mother’s subject line said. :)

  8. 8
    Doug S. says:

    Making them must have been quite a feet.

  9. 9
    Doug S. says:

    Is it okay if I hotlink to this image?

  10. 11
    Robert says:

    Looks like a bad case of plantar fasci-ice-tis.