Hereville Page 17 is up!

Page 17 is (finally) up.

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8 Responses to Hereville Page 17 is up!

  1. 1
    jemale says:


    (oh, and, I like the new layout for panel two)

  2. 2
    ScottM says:

    Yea! I’m glad you chose to bring the witch’s promise back up… I’m eager to see what happens when the holiday’s over and she has to talk with Fruma.

  3. 3
    Kevin Moore says:

    The whole page rocks, but I really love the composition of panel two.

    And new yiddish phrases! Yay!

  4. 4
    karpad says:

    I realize it’s kinda early, kinda real early to be discussing this, but do you have any plans to release a print compendium of Hereville when you finish the story?
    I can think of a few people I’d like to buy a copy for.
    but yeah, I do know any answer you give now would be subject to change over the next… two years?
    that’s how long I’m guessing your story will take.

  5. 5
    Raznor says:

    Yeesh, finally Amp. I like the new page, just a page out of the life without anything too special. I like how the important of the Shabos is so essential to all the characters.

    So, good one, Amp. And I do hope this will be updated regularly again . . .

  6. 6
    Ampersand says:

    Karpad wrote: I realize it’s kinda early, kinda real early to be discussing this, but do you have any plans to release a print compendium of Hereville when you finish the story?

    The current Hereville story, which is entitled “How Mirka Got Her Sword,” I hope to have finished by 6 months from now (but we’ll see how it goes). Whenever I finish it, there will definitely be a print version of it made available.

  7. 7
    karpad says:

    wonderful timing.
    just in time for my Grandmother’s birthday.
    I think she’ll enjoy it

  8. 8
    kStyle says:

    I found this one really touching. I was raised Catholic, and though I no longer practice, there’s something special and moving about ritual and family, which you captured beautifully and warmly.