Videos I've Been Watching: On The Holocaust, On "New Data on the Rise of Women"

Some videos I think are worth watching.

First, The Daily Show on at least one Fox Network host’s insistence that no one on that network ever compares people on the left to the Nazis for rhetorical effect:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
24 Hour Nazi Party People
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> The Daily Show on Facebook

Second, a link to Yad Vashem’s Persian channel–I could not find the embed data–which hopefully will serve as a counterweight to the kind of information circulating in Iran about the Holocaust as shown in this video from the opening of a Holocaust Cartoons Expo in August 2006:

And third, this TED video of a talk by Hanna Rosin, author “The End of Men,” published in The Atlantic Monthly, “which asserts that the era of male dominance has come to an end as women gain power in the postindustrial economy.”


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