Lousy Christmas bonus nets $354 (and counting)

Horizon Air Collectable Fine China.

Just one day and 23 hours of bidding time left!

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4 Responses to Lousy Christmas bonus nets $354 (and counting)

  1. lisa says:

    hey! that would go well with my xmas bonus… a $10 starbucks gift card… oh, feel the brotherly warmth emanating from the plastic!

  2. Jeff says:

    I was surpised to receive a $25 christmas bonus after knowing that our plant was not doing well financally. Unfortunately it was the best present I got this year. Everything else people got me for my new home, only I just found out yesterday that the real estate agent sold it to someone else for 25% less than I offered because he wrote me off as being some dumb kid who wouldn’t come up with the money. But, I have the mortgage approved and am now on the street. Back to living in my friend’s camper trailer for the rest of the winter. Thanks a lot! Some christmas this turned out to be.

  3. alsis38 says:

    [Inside joke for Multnomah County residents:]

    Would the ITAX be considered an anti-bonus ?

    [/Inside joke for Multnomah County residents]

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