So I haven’t been following the news from San Diego lately, but I read this on a right-wing blog.
I read that paragraph, and looked up, and it occurred to me that this was the right moment for me to stop reading. Because right now, I have no idea what political party Dick Murphy is from, or Donna Frye, or how their views differ.
So I can be somewhat sure that I’m not being partisan when I say: Donna Frye should have won the election. If someone writes a name in the write-in vote space, and otherwise hasn’t marked the relevant area of the ballot, then we can be sure beyond a reasonable doubt that they intended to vote for the person they wrote in. For the court to allow an election to be turned by people forgetting to fill in the bubble is a travesty; it’s putting technicalities above substance.
“technicalities above substance” describes the entire US approach to constitutional and electoral law. It’s seen as a game to be won by finding the loopholes, rather than as ideals to live up to.
no kidding! i live in san diego… and this is somewhat maddening….
Yes and no.
Much more on this at Rick Hasen
And a few comments at my
I absolutely agree agree every write in vote should be counted.
However, this wasn’t a regular election. It was a run-off between the top two, after nobody got a majority in the first round. That’s how the city charter says to do it.
They should not have allowed write-in in the run off.
Frye isn’t just a Democrat, in a race where the other two are Republicans. She’s a surfer, community activist, and seems pretty cool. But nobody kept her from running in the first round