Paul at Big Fat Blog links to this amazing example of… well, I don’t want to use the “f” word (not that “f” word, the other “f” word… no, not that one either. Think Italy in WW2. Yup, that’s the one), because it’s so cliched for a lefty to use that word. The author is George Lundberg, a TV medical pundit:
How can we stop the obese from becoming more obese? Pretty simple. Stop feeding them. Think about the other common self-destructive human behaviors. On a commercial airplane, in a saloon, or at a professional sports event, if the customer is deemed to be drunk, the keepers of the booze key will lock the cabinet. If a person drives a car at a dangerous speed, the driver is subject to substantial penalties. […] Yet, an obese person enters an eating joint, or a supermarket, and buys and eats any and everything he or she wants, and nobody seems to care. Does that make any sense to you?
So fat people shouldn’t be permitted to buy food? Lovely. “Sorry, fatty, but your waistline is clearly over the limit.”
Here’s the article – be warned, the link includes audio and video.
Obviously, depriving people of food is inhumane and, depending how far it goes, verges on a crime against humanity.
I don’t know, however, why you refuse to use the word “fascism.” It’s a word we should begin to start using again, since the reality it refers to is intruding more and more on our daily lives.
you know what is interesting? is that people still believe that fat people are fat because they eat to much. first of all if you read physiology
books such as one big text book I read called exercise physiology that has a big section about obesity, and studies done over the years, like
the book Fat, curing the obesity epeidemic (which doesn’t show the cure at all but only studies done over the past 60 years or so). also reading
such books as How to be naturally thin by eating more by jean antenello, The obesity myth by paul campos, or even some of bailey’s covert
fit or fat of the 90’s video, the book the ultimate fit or fat book, and smart exercise too he wrote, you would start to realize that the whole
why people are fat is a big fat lie. (I beleive there is a book by that title). I also studied the adipose 101 on the net too, it is lengthy but very
eye opening.
next when I person is an alcholic the only cure for them is abstaninance, well I can’t imagine that a person could remain a non eater for very long.
second everyone is addicted to food, just name me one person who could just stop eating and not suffer withdrawl symptoms? Or how about
our addiction to air, name me one person who could avoid breathing enough air without suffering withdrawl symptoms? same principle goes for
I find that everyone needs to eat, and that policing people by not allowing them to buy what they want is an infringment on their biological
right to get enough to eat to listen to their bodies over what others “think” they should be doing or not doing. that is like rationing people’s
water intake because they need a little more than average because we think it is wrong to over drink on water, (even if you happen to be one
who is always dehydrated due to a medical condtion or inherited condtion where you can’t hold water as well.
what is needed is an understanding of biology, how the body works how it responds to undereating, how it responds to mental influences such
as fear of getting fat (which no doubt causes one to undereat sometimes which always leads to overeating and weight gain later for many
people) or fear of persecution, or even because of some fear of a disease because of the medical community saying all the diseases you probablhy witll
get because you are fat. the body’s responses to undereating is no different then it’s response to weight lifting building muscle strenght, or even
responding to a threat to it’s survival from a virus producing all the symptoms that make one miserable, such as fevers, aches and pains
fatigue etc. people are over fat because they don’t understand the basic biology of physiology of how their bodies work,
those references I just mentioned, and there are others but to lengthy here, explain it in a way that even I can understand. if I can understand
it anyone can. so forcing people to eat less by denying them through force (such as not selling them foods we think are bad for them) is not
going to cure the problem, it will only result in unecessary suffering and lawsuits too. it will only cause an invasion of privacy, and in this
day and age we have very little of privacy left. and you can’t punish people either through taxation on foods we think are bad for fat people
because many thin people eat alot of the same stuff too, food is a necessary thing, unlike cigerattes or alcohol. it is fuel for the body, it
is not evil it doesn’t make people fat even if they eat it all day long. it is the body’s responses to the enviroment and their genetic responsed
to it, in this case undereating that leads to overeating. (the famine starts the cycle, the feast is the end of the cycle, and the famine starts over
again, (as the person tries not to eat so much so he/she can lose weight, which starts the cycle again.) then when the body can’t stand this
self imposed famine anymore (since food is available unlike a outside famine situation) the body perpetuates the feasting part of the cycle
and it is a situation of here we go again.
denying a hungry person even if they are fat is cruel, inhumane and frankly not going to solve the obesity problem but only make it worse.
Fat people are discriminated in all parts of the world, they are called chubby, fat, big, smelly and all kinds of names. Beleive me i have tried every diet in the world.. The succes was only temporal. I admmit, I love to EAT! I have tried Etkins diet, various medicins, I have tried not to eat anything for 10 days…nothing was succesful. I have slim friends who eat 3 times more than me… You must not judge that which you don’t know… You don’t know how is to be fat!