So f0r the last three hours, drawing on Hereville page 24 was going well. I mean, quite well. Well enough so I was totally absorbed in drawing. So totally absorbed that I forgot to save.

Then the house’s cruddy electric system combined with a housemate’s blow dryer… you can see where this story is going.



I mean, freakin’ fucking aaaargh!

So how’s your night going?

Also, if anyone knows of any plugin or function to make Photoshop automatically save now and again, I’d appreciate the info.

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5 Responses to AAAAARRGH!

  1. 1
    Robert says:

    Man, that sucks. My deep sympathies.

    I don’t know from Photoshop plugins, but the memory of today ought to act as an automatic “save every ten minutes” macro in your personal wetware.

    After years of experience with Microsoft operating systems, power grids designed for the days when starter TVs cost $2000, and application programs apparently written by hostile narcotic-addicted chimpanzees, I save like other people breathe.

  2. 2
    Raznor says:

    My recommendation, get a battery backup. They’re not too expensive, work as surge protection and give you some time if the power goes out to save your files and shut off your computer.

    Still, that sucks like nothing else in the world sucks. Hope the page goes well anyway, I’ll understand if you’re late this week.

    Oh, and are you going to add a Hereville link on the new page?

  3. 3
    Raznor says:

    BY new page, I mean newly remodelled blog.

  4. 4
    alsis38 says:

    Oy. My poor Amp. :(

    I’m supposed to be learning Photoshop so I can collage with it. You know, it lieu of the “acoustic” methods I’m using now. But is your experience really an improvement over, say, me having to stoop onto the floor and pick up 4,329 tiny little pieces of paper and tape, after the Calico decided that she wanted to “sled” down the drawing table ? Again ?

  5. 5
    Nomen Nescio says:

    a basic, single-computer UPS would run around $100, maybe $200, purchased new. (might want to go to an actual, brick-and-mortar store to get it; shipping on what’s mostly just a sealed motorcycle battery would wipe out any savings from buying online, i think.) those bottom-of-the-line models wouldn’t get you a whole lot of security, but they do give enough warning to click save and shut down the machine if you happen to be working at it at the time. some of them have connections to the PC itself, meant to tell the computer to shut itself down automatically when the battery comes on-line; this is nice, but not absolutely necessary.

    in other words, i warmly recommend getting one if you can spare the cash. the only reason i don’t have one myself is that, well, i can’t spare a hundred bucks. :-(