New to the blogroll: Stone Court

I probably won’t post anything further today, since we’ve set today aside for watching The Lord of The Rings, extended DVD version, which as I understand it is something like 11 or 12 hours long. (Geeky? Us? What makes you say that?)

(I should clarify that “we” means me and several of my housemates, but not Bean, who finds the whole project somewhat bewildering. At best.)

In the meanwhile, how did I not have Stone Court on my blogroll? What’s wrong with me? It’s a fucking fantastic feminist blog, especially if you like an empirical/social sciencey approach to issues; go check it out is my advice.

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6 Responses to New to the blogroll: Stone Court

  1. media girl says:

    I just added them, and then saw your post. 100% agreed!

  2. La Lubu says:

    Stone Court is indeed good, even though for some strange reason I can’t access the comments section….

  3. Fred Vincy says:

    Thank you, Amp!

    And thank you, Media Girl and La Luba.

    I’ll try to look into the comments thing, but I suspect it may just be Haloscan being slow to respond. In the meantime, though, please feel free to email us at

    fredatstonecourt AT yahoo DOT com OR
    maryatstonecourt AT yahoo DOT com

  4. A new one for me, too!

    Ampersand, The Lords of the Ring should be read as a book. It’s sacrilege to only see the movie version. And remember that I said that the hobbits are really women: smaller, nicer and less belligerent ;)!

  5. Ampersand says:

    Echidne, I agree it would be terribly wrong to see the movie exclusively; rest assured, I’ve read the novels several times.

  6. nolo says:

    I watched the entire extended-version LOTR on new year’s day. With breaks to make snacks, it took about 13 hours. Way worth it, though.

    And yes, I’ve read the books. I don’t know how many times, though.

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