Monday Baby Blogging

I’ll say this for Sydney Quinn – she sure enjoys her Baileys!

Chug, Sydney, chug!

Ugh… not smooth.

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8 Responses to Monday Baby Blogging

  1. Robert says:

    That is one cute little monkey.

  2. Joan says:

    Oh my! Contributing to the delinquency of a very adorable minor!

  3. Raznor says:

    That is so cute and wrong.

  4. wookie says:

    THAT is hilarious. I have a picture of my eldest with an empty bottle of Mikes Hard Lemonade in her mouth (she was teething).

  5. jam says:

    Bailey’s not smooth? never! in fact, it’s the perfect choice for young infants. lots of nourishing cream!

    still, according to their website, Bailey’s warns that Before you can let the experiences flood over you, we need to know that you are of legal drinking age, as Baileys is committed to responsible drinking.

    but, given that the chub is clearly in her pj’s, & so clearly not intending to drive or operate heavy machinery, i don’t really see any problem. except, y’know, the age thing.

    but numerical age is such a tricky thing! she might be young in looks, but maybe she’s an old souse at heart… ;)

  6. La Lubu says:

    Heeeyyy, she’s throwin’ that back like an ol’ pro! How cute!!

  7. pseu says:

    Those pictures are the cutest thing I’ve seen all day!

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