Comment previews in "Alas"

I’m trying to add comment previews. This version of comment previews is “live” – that is, instead of hitting a “preview” button to create a preview, the preview automatically appears at the bottom of the page as you type.

If this works, then I owe thanks to Fernando, who explained how to install this plugin in terms I could understand.

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9 Responses to Comment previews in "Alas"

  1. Ampersand says:

    Testing, testing. Damn – it doesn’t seem to be working. What did I do wrong?

  2. Ampersand says:

    Okay, trying again. Oh, hey, that’s much better. Cool!

    Hey, kids, we have comment previews!

  3. Ole says:

    That’s way cool.

  4. This is a deeply weird experience. Weird. Hrm. Typing HTMl tags and having them not appear is especially bizarre.

  5. media girl says:

    FWIW…To me it feels like I’m typing in mud — or on some mainframe computer that has to echo back anything I t ype. Ack!!! Personally I don’t like the experience. It makes it hard to type.

  6. Robert says:

    Media Girl, try scrolling up just enough that the comment box is at the very bottom of the screen. Then you won’t see the preview area.

  7. This is great, thanks for doing this — mainly because I methodically went through that file and pulled out all the relevant javascript and added it to my MT blog entry templates.

    Of course, I realized later I could have just done a view source right here and saved myself the trouble of having to cut out various escapes, but…

  8. How does this work? Oh, I see! Neat!

  9. media girl says:

    That doesn’t work for me, Robert. In fact, I did not realize the echo was there until I scrolled down for the preview button. I just thought my computer was choking on some javajunk applet or something.

    BTW, it’s better today. Not sure why. So maybe I hereby retract my earlier comments.

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