My plan (and we’ll see how well it goes) is to make up for missing last week by posting page 25 on Monday. Then, on Thursday, I’ll be back on schedule posting page 26. (That is, back on schedule if you ignore all the many, many other weeks I’ve missed – which I’m sure you will, you cooperative thing you!).
As for the current page, I feel kind of guilty about it. You see, I don’t really write in terms of “week by week.” I write assuming that readers will (eventually) be able to read the whole story in one sitting. So, in that context, the end of page 23 wouldn’t be a cliffhanger; it would just be, you know, a page.
But taken week-by-week, page 23 could seem like a cliffhanger. And if you think of it that way, then the way page 24 resolves the cliffhanger is horribly lame. So please, take my word for it: I didn’t intend it as a cliffhanger. I’m not that lame.
As for the page itself, right now I like it, but probably I’ll come to hate it in a week or two. Drawing the big scream panel was peculiar – this will sound ridiculous, but after spending enough time working on it, I began to feel remorse for giving Mirka such a bad nightmare. (Then I felt guilty in the last three panels for drawing her in a dress she loathes.)
I figured as much, and I’m kinda slow, so don’t worry. I’m sure most people get it.
I love how it’s drawn. It’s hard for some of us who only read comics occasionally to follow the panels when they overlap like that, but you make it both easy to read and interesting on the page.
I demand greater consistency and regular sheduling of my free comics.
Also, Mirka should have a cybernetic arm with super powers.
Well, it would have been too convenient a twist if the troll had just found her. I’m more satisfied with this, (although when I first saw last week’s I instantly thought it had to be a dream)
The last panel is probably the funniest you’ve done in this so far. Can’t wait to see what happens monday.
I always look forward to new Herevilles, so yay to both this page (which looks great) and double Hereville next week.
I’ll add too, I love Mirka’s transition from terror, to confusion, to peace, and irritation. The angles of the panels really help with that.