Hereville page 26 is up!

Page 26 is done. This one was a lot of fun to draw, for some reason. I love this sort of layout, which I realize is pretty common in manga in general but I always associate it with Rumiko Takahashi in particular.

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7 Responses to Hereville page 26 is up!

  1. ScottM says:

    Something tells me Jake’s comment is meant for the meta-thread. (It is an amusing response to some spam).

    I like the look of today’s episode, espcially the doubletake at the end. I wonder what’s going on…

  2. Ampersand says:

    Actually, I deleted Jake’s comment at about exactly the same time you posted this… not only was it on the wrong thread, but I had just deleted the spams Jake was making fun of, so Jake’s joke no longer had any context. (Sorry, Jake.)

    I’m glad you liked the look today. Thanks. :-)

  3. Jake Squid says:

    T’sall right. I figured you’d get rid of it at the same time you got rid of the spam. No real comments to make on Hereville. I like it but, not unexpectedly, I’m more interested in the story than in the execution of the drawing. Unless the art is done horribly, which it isn’t. So… I’m enjoying it.

  4. Raznor says:

    I really like it. This is your second in a row with no dialogue. Which is understandable since the only characters have been Mirka and now a sleeping Zindel. I like the possibilities raised by Zindel joining up with Mirka. Alas that I must wait a week (that is if you keep on schedule . . .) before seeing what happens next.

  5. Kip Manley says:

    Sweet! —Though the technique I don’t think is used all that often for a moment in motion, the way yours is. As opposed to posing and looking cool. Really keen blend of aspect-to-aspect that’s actually moment-to-moment.

  6. Le Driver says:

    Though I prefer Western comics to manga, it’s interesting to see how well manga-style layouts can be adapted to Western comics. This installment of Hereville is a great example of this: keep up the experimentation, ampersand.

  7. karpad says:

    is this related? you tell me
    hasidic reggae rap stuff

    it does fall into the same sort of modern jewish pop-culture stuff. I certainly will be listening to this when I read Hereville from now on.
    unless a particular page comes with a reccommended background music in the future. then I’ll play it by ear.

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