Hillary Rettig’s book The Seven Secrets of the Prolific, a book about how to end procrastination, is now available for pre-orders. Here’s Hillary’s blurb:
If you procrastinate, chances are you think it’s because you’re uncommitted to the project, or maybe lazy or undisciplined. But I promise you that that’s not the case. Procrastination, perfectionism and writer’s block are habits rooted in scarcity and fear – and the great news is that once you characterize those barriers and start working to overcome them, you can “magically” recover all the commitment, energy and discipline you thought you had lost.
My new book, The Seven Secrets of the Prolific, tells you how.
I’m doing the illustrations for Hillary’s book, including the cover drawing. If you go to the indiegogo page, you’ll see my first sketch of the cover (with a background and lettering from ace designer Lee Busch). Here’s the completed cover drawing: ((Well, completed unless we decide to change it.))
Anyhow, please visit Hillary’s Indiegogo page to check it out. The book will sell for $35, but pre-ordered copies are just $25 (shipping included), or $3 for the ebook. You can also read some chapters from the book online at Hillary’s site.
I want to be the first person to make a joke about how I’ll get around to buying and reading this book one of these days. But I’ve just got so much else going on that I don’t have time to make that joke. Maybe tomorrow.
Okay, I laughed from sheer delight. (Not at Robert’s joke, no. The drawing.)
Thank you!