A bunch of links

  • This terrific Findlaw essay argues against a Federal (anti-)Marriage Amendment, and along the way does a fine job trashing some of the most common arguments against same-sex marriage. Via MarriageDebate.com.

  • Hate Spam? Blame MCI

  • Bitch, PhD finds that the full transcript of Larry Summers’ remarks puts Summers even deeper in the rhetorical hole.

  • Kieran at Crooked Timber comments on the same subject; I think this is my favorite of all the posts I’ve read about the Summers flap.

  • Also via Crooked Timber, check out this excellent article on the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921, “the single worst event in the history of American race relations.”

  • Brian of the blog RebelDad has started a new podcast program. “It’s called Sex Talk, and it is residing now at www.sextalkpodcast.com. The first show went live today, and it has an interview with Kim Gandy and some snippets from a Gloria Steinem speech earlier this week.”

  • Speaking of that Gloria Steinem speech, you can find a podcast of the entire thing here – it’s about what’s wrong with journalism, and it’s quite good. Thank to Brendan Watson for the hat-tip.

  • Positive Liberty has an excellent post pointing out that “getting government out of the marriage business” is not nearly as simple as some folks seem to believe.

  • Bruce Ackerman, in a not-especially-short article, describes the bad tidings that Bush appointments could bring with them to the Supreme Court. Via Balkanization.

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