After the presents are opened

Due to this and that (too much for me to bother explaining right now), our household has a tradition of exchanging presents a couple of months after Christmas. So we exchanged presents yesterday.

I don’t think Sydney understood what was going on, but she liked ripping presents open.

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2 Responses to After the presents are opened

  1. Joan says:

    When I was a kid (maybe around 10 years old), I got the brilliant idea that instead of exchanging gifts at Christmas, our family should wait and take advantage of the after-Christmas sales, and then exchange gifts on New Year’s Day. I proposed the idea to my parents, certain that I would be hailed as a genius!

    No go. My mom said that if she didn’t get her presents on Christmas morning, she would cry like a baby.

    Someday my vision will be appreciated.

  2. jusliloleme says:

    Was there turkey and dressing though??

    And pumpkin pie with whipped cream?

    Now, I’m getting hungry.

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