
From one of Katha Pollitt’s threads on Washington Monthly:

Ms. Pollitt, would you be so good as to suggest some of your favorite female bloggers? It’d certainly be a nice start in gathering the momentum you speak of.

Many thanks,

Scott, some blogs I like are feministing.com, echidne of the snakes, mediagirl, mousewords, Bitch Ph.d, trish wilson. I also dip into Alas, A Blog, which is (I think) a group blog captained by a man.

If I was cooler, I probably wouldn’t have admitted that reading this made my day. :-)

(Oh, and Katha: It’s pretty much just me, although I sometimes have guest posters. My former co-blogger, Bean, has her own blog now.)

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8 Responses to Whooo-hoooo!

  1. Tom T. says:

    O Captain, my Captain!

  2. Nanette says:

    I’ve been reading this blog for ages (and am now getting distracted and fascinated watching my words appear below as I type… well type, backspace, correct, then type.. . okay okay, onward), but I’ve never left a comment.

    I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy the blog, it’s the main feminist blog I read regularly), and how hard I laughed when I realized it was mostly written by men… pinksomething poppies was here at the time.

    Man… do you get people coming here to comment just to watch the auto typing? How do you get it to *do* that?

  3. Ampersand says:

    Thanks, Nanette!

    Man… do you get people coming here to comment just to watch the auto typing? How do you get it to *do* that?

    It’s javascript, I think.
    Someone smart
    wrote the code, and I swiped it from him. :-)

  4. Trish Wilson says:

    I knew she started reading me a few weeks ago when she told me my blog wasn’t coming in on Safari. I’ve had problems with my blog for Safari readers because of some graphics I stuck in my sidebar. I have since fixed the problem.

    Congrats on Katha reading you, Barry. You deserve it. Alas is a regular several-times-a-day read for me.

  5. PinkDreamPoppies says:

    That actually was rather cool to read. I doubt she was reading when I was posting here (she’s mentioned elsewhere that she hasn’t been reading blogs for long), but it was still cool to see. Congrats, Barry.

  6. Kristjan Wager says:

    Yes, congratulations. The only problem I ever have had with reading this blog is when I had to reinstall my entire computer – I lost all my bookmarks, and since you have moved so many times, most links out on other blogs point to the wrong sites.BTW, out of curiosity, how many times have you moved the blog by now?

    PinkDreamPoppies, she might not have read it when you were posting, but I certainly were, and I miss you insightful posts. You don’t happen to have your own blog these days?

  7. Ampersand says:

    how many times have you moved the blog by now?

    Oh, dear, let me see. I think… five. Five times.

    I’m moderately confident that I’m not going to be moving again, though!

  8. PinkDreamPoppies says:

    Kristjan, I don’t, at this time, have my own blog. I’ve waffled about starting one up but haven’t been able to determine if I have enough time and interest — I’d hate to start something up only to shutter it a few weeks later.

    If I ever do get a blog, though, I’ll be sure to bring it up in comments here.

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