Schiavo Case: Pro-Life Activists Spread Hatred, Tie Up Abuse HotLine

I feel a lot of sympathy for Terri Schiavo’s parents; I don’t think anything rivals the pain of a child dying prematurely. And I think some very unethical people are using their pain to take advantage of them.

I’m running short of sympathy for the pro-lifers who have taken up this cause. There are some pro-lifers, such as my friend Robert Hayes, who haven’t sunk to character attacks. But too many pro-lifers seem determined to demonize Michael Schiavo, and anyone who disagrees with them, beyond any reason.

I realize this occurs on both sides of the Schiavo issue, but it’s far more extreme among the pro-lifers. Florida police have had to make two arrests; one of a man who tried to pay $250,000 to have Michael Schiavo murdered, one of a man who was arrested robbing a gun shop so he could “take some action and rescue Terri Schiavo.”

Meanwhile, the Florida Department of Children & Families’ abuse hot line is being flooded, day after day, by calls from pro-life Terri Schiavo protesters. “‘Inadvertently these callers may be putting other neglected, abused and vulnerable citizens at risk,’ said DCF spokeswoman Zoraya Suarez on Friday.” (“Other”?) I’m not sure whether this is a spontaneous action by thousands of individuals, in which case it’s just thoughtless, or an organized protest, in which case it’s despicable.

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22 Responses to Schiavo Case: Pro-Life Activists Spread Hatred, Tie Up Abuse HotLine

  1. Ol Cranky says:

    You know what, the more I read the less sympathetic the Schindler’s appear to me. I feel for the loss of a child, but their grief process has gone from pathological to punitive. They intentionally courted Randall Terry to bring his extremist “Prolife” group to attract publicity and set the tone for their struggle. They and their supporters have gone out of their way to vilify those who oppose them (Greer was essentially asked to leave his church because he ruled as a matter of law instead of based on his personal/religious beliefs) including some very recent, slanderous and incendiary accusations. Conscientious people (even those in pain of losing a child) would/should publicly state that threats of violence are unacceptable and 100% inconsistent with a “pro-life” stance they are taking. They do not, instead they actually fuel the flames with their rhetoric .

    Having read Father Gerard Murphy’s testimony in the case and the comments regarding the extremes the Schindler’s views on what must be done to keep someone alive , I am completely mortified. The only thing that concerns me more than the above is the new pro-life argument I’m hearing that basically states that withdrawal of life support for any reason is murder – I expect there will now be attempts at theocratic based legislation to outlaw DNI/DNR orders as well as withdrawal of life support.

  2. Aaron says:

    I’m a moderate conservative and what I see from the life and Randall “I love being on TV” Terry really bothers me. Actually, what I see in this entire case really bothers me and makes me question the solidity of the political tides in this nation.

    On one side you have the right decrying the lack of judicial and governmental involvement in stopping the impending death of Terri. And on the left you have nothing but praise for judicial restraint.

    Are we still living in the same political dichotomy we were before… you know, the one where the right hounded the 9th Circus for their Pledge of Allegiance ban and other acts of general judicial “liberty” and they hounded Congress for meddling in anything and everything and where the left encouraged judicial rulings to counter a Republican Congress, and decried the restraint of the Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore, etc?

    And then we have good ol’ Randall who has been living under the radar for years since his allies at the Christian Coalition really became moot in political circles and now has his opportunity to get on TV and looks like he’s trying to make up for lost time by threatening people with their political careers, etc.


    Such Drama. :)

  3. Raznor says:

    I really have little sympathy for the Schindlers. The level of vitriolic hatred they have for their daughter’s husband, the complete apathy of their daughter’s wishes, and the fact that they would hire Randall Terry lead me to conclude these are people who will stop at nothing in order to ensure they maintain control over every aspect of their daughter’s life.

    They’re going through pain, to be sure, but decent people go through pain without resorting to such despicable acts.

  4. Kristjan Wager says:

    I have lot of pity for the parents, but I have little respect. They have helped develop a crusade against Michael Schiavo. The other people invovled in that crusade are much more frightening, and often uses their power and/or positions in ways that are sickening.

    Also related to all this, Joshua Marshall linked to an article in which it was showed that there were a risk of a showdown between local police forces and Florida state agents. That is frightening.

  5. Ol Cranky says:

    From a 2003 piece in the Guardian:

    But Terri’s parents, Mary and Robert Schindler, say she can improve, and have collaborated with the Christian right in America to turn this very private tragedy into a national pro-life pageant. Using the internet, press and Christian radio and television shows, anti-abortion groups have turned Terri’s catastrophic loss into a major political gain, expanding the parameters of the pro-life debate.

    With a year to go before the 2004 elections, Brother Bush has been keeping a weather eye out for causes that would mobilise the pro-life movement. Earlier this year, he outraged legal opinion by intervening to prevent a severely disabled woman, who had been raped in a state institution, from obtaining an abortion. Terri’s case has proved as enticing a cause – and the Schindlers are extremely cooperative.

    From their rented camper van across the road from the hospice, they have presided over prayer vigils and power rallies, pumping up the emotions in the campaign to keep their daughter alive by smuggling out videos of Terri in her bed, and making them available on the internet. Although her father, Robert, claims that he hates the circus that has developed around his daughter, he seems well practised at delivering his pitch. The fight for her life, the argument goes, is the fight for disabled people across America.

    “People are being executed every day. I don’t mean by the law. I mean executed by being starved to death – mainly the elderly, and people with Alzheimer’s,” says Robert. “There is a big, dark secret out there.”

    But, given the vehemence with which he has been fighting to prolong Terri’s life, it is a little surprising to learn that Robert decided to turn off the life-support system for his mother. She was 79 at the time, and had been ill with pneumonia for a week, when her kidneys gave out.”I can remember like yesterday the doctors said she had a good life. I asked, ‘If you put her on a ventilator does she have a chance of surviving, of coming out of this thing?'” Robert says. “I was very angry with God because I didn’t want to make those decisions.”

    When you read the Schindler’s depositions and their willingness to turn Terri into a pet for their joy and comfort, regardless of the cost or whether Terri herself would approve, it’s hard to have much sympathy for them at all anymore (especially since they pretty much accuse anyone who withdraws life support for any reason of murder).

  6. Joan says:

    My worst most horrible fear is that after Ms. Schiavo’s probable demise there could be some sort of fatwa against her husband or others involved in her case. I’m praying and praying that the people who profess to be my fellow pro-lifers and Christians will act with more sense than they have done so far.

  7. Candace says:

    Joan, there’s already been something like a “fatwa”– in the last few days they’ve arrested two people, one for putting a price on Michael Shiavo’s and Judge Greer’s heads and another for trying to buy a gun to “save Terri Shiavo”. (Incidentally, there’s been lots of talk of kidnapping Terri from the hospice– how well do you think THAT would go over? How long before they manually give her food and water and have her choke to death?) Michael Shiavo and Judge Greer, as well as others involved in that side of the case, have to have round-the-clock security because of all the death threats and hate mail they’ve gotten. From Christians, no less.

    It’s funny how often some Christians forget their own motto: “What Would Jesus Do?” Maybe Jesus wouldn’t disconnect Terri Shiavo’s feeding tube (who really knows though?), but he sure wouldn’t advocate murder and pressuring your children to commit acts of violence in the name of “protests”, etc. These people are barbarians.

  8. Ken C. says:

    Who are these “pro-lifers” you speak of? You mean, people who are anti-abortion?

  9. Ampersand says:

    Yes; the people who have been leading and funding the political fight to “save” Terri, aside from Terri’s immediate family, are overwhelmingly people who are also heavily involved in anti-abortion politics. Randall Terry is the most obvious example of this, but not the only example.

  10. Sheelzebub says:

    I had to laugh when I saw Randall Terry sticking his nose in this. This is the same guy who asked for donations for the costs supposedly incurred by legal action against him and Operation Rescue for their activities. That money went to his $432K home he bought for himself and his new wife.

    The Schindlers had better watch their backs–they have some rather unsavory people flocking to them.

  11. Candace says:

    I had to laugh when I saw Randall Terry sticking his nose in this. This is the same guy who asked for donations for the costs supposedly incurred by legal action against him and Operation Rescue for their activities. That money went to his $432K home he bought for himself and his new wife.

    Yeah, and don’t forget that new wife is the 22 year old woman he left his first wife for. What’s one of their biggest gripes against Michael Shiavo? That he’s engaged to another woman and has a child with her… Hypocrites.

    Randall Terry also publicly spews hate about his own son because his son is gay. It’s some lovely family values there.

    And I’m not even getting into his ties with the people who’ve killed clinic doctors and bombed clinics, either. I’m just hoping the Schindlers didn’t know what they were getting into with Terry, but if they DID know all about him and his followers, then they have NO business calling Michael Shiavo names.

  12. Beverly says:

    The NYT is reporting this morning that the Schindlers have sold a list of their financial supporters to a conservative/pro-life fundraiser.

  13. Daniel Chiasson says:

    I hope that Terri Schiavo will not become a victim of the legal system. A system that loses sight upon people from their endless days on observing cases that continue to test the heart, and numb it when a person doesn’t grasp the time to reflect and push oneself to continue comparing and analyzing the circumstances. The family’s devotion to their daughter is very honorable . I also strongly believe that life, despite advantages and disadvantages, has its preciousness and essence. One of the practices of medicine is to improve the quality of life. She is part of the reasons why there are researchers and why they have a job. In a manner of speaking, researchers try to save those who are helpless, with little or no hope to the quality of life we indulge ourselves with in everyday life. Terri deserves that chance. Decisions appeared to have been made by our limited arithmetic and knowledge based to govern and serve us, and not on more than the sum of the rules and terms we live by. If Terri is all the Schindler family has, then they should not have that taken away from them. If suppose that Terri does want to die, then it would be more compassionate to continue trying to establish communication with her in order to determine what she wants. Overall, Terri’s life is Terri’s life. Such circumstances are difficult to recall with all the overlapping conversations and details, but we often at times choose not to speak on the unspeakable things. These events pose serious thought on the sanctity of life. It still appears that some people’s thoughts are confined by the influences and advertisements on how we superficially define our worth. Schiavo is a reminder of the helpless all people can have. A reminder that dispondence can be identified with all of us. The combined support of the people in the proximity of the Hospice in Florida demonstrates the strength of support. Michael is one person with the claim against the claim of the family. I hope the reviews made by legislation are going to be more lateral to more of all the aspects to humanity and the sanctity of life and the writings, consistencies, and spirit of those who created the Declaration of Independence and Ammendment of Rights with humanity instead of lifeless rulebooks that can never act as a conscience or sentience.

  14. Daniel Chiasson says:

    People in Canada admire the devotion of the family and strongly agrees with your efforts.

  15. ginmar says:

    All the people in canada?

    The Schindlers don’t appear to be devoted to wanting for Terri what she wanted; they just want to keep what’s left of her alive. It’s sort of scary, but you can see how desperation twisted them.

    I had a lot more sympathy for them before they started trashing Michael Schiavo. After reading about so many rape cases, when I see vicious tactics like that I just tend to assume dishonor on the part of the trasher, unless they uncover truly God-awful behavior. They haven’t done so in this case, so I tend to conclude that this reflects on them rather than on the person they’re trashing. YMMV.

  16. Bryan McDonald says:

    Does anyone know how to get a personal message to Michael Schiavo? My heart goes out to him most of all. This has been the hardest thing he’s had to deal with in his life and everyone has made him out to be the antichrist when all he wanted was for his wife to die with dignity. I, personally have been at odds with members of my own Church and family over this issue. I deal with these life and death issues on a daily basis as a Registered Nurse. I know how hard this kind of decision is on a family. God rest Terri’s soul, but God Bless Michael Schiavo for his fight.
    BKM RN

  17. Candace says:

    I was wondering about that myself, Bryan. I know that the radicals have actually been holding fort in front of his house, so they know his address. But I’m thinking of sending a letter to him via his attorney, George Felos. You can look up his address on Yahoo’s yellow pages; I believe the city is Pinellas Park. I found the address the other day this way, so it is possible.

  18. Carole says:

    Please know that I am truly sorry that anyone has to die this way. But the supreme Court gives individuals the right to die in their own way and Terri did not want to live this way.
    I did feel sorry for the parents of Terri because of what they have been going through. However, when only extreme rightists were representing the Schindler’s, they lost respect. I truly feel that they have dishonered their daughter by allowing these people to go around calling Michael, her husband, a murderer and other names. That is why I stopped believing that this was all done to “save” their daughter. While their daughter lay dying all they were interested in was villifying Michael Schiavo and accusing him of murder. This situation, so personal and private, should have never been allowed to be made so public.
    A few days before Terri died the family decided to have Rev. Jesse Jackson with them, as Terri’s mother stated, she felt comfortable with him. I believe the only reason Terri’s family did this was because of the feedback they were getting about Randall Terry and the other pro lifers and wanted this circus to look more legitimate.
    I hope these pro lifers do not feel the need to hurt any of Michael Schiavo’s family because of the rhetoric brought on by these different groups.

    I wonder how soon a movie and a book deal will be made?

  19. Christopher Mitchell says:

    Terri Schiavo’s parents didn’t trash Michael Schiavo. They only explained to the media what was happening at the hands of Michael Schiavo. What nice things has Michael Schiavo said about the parents? Hmm? What nice thing has Michael done for the parents? Hmm? Oh, do you think he could spare just a few ashes for Terri’s parents so they would have a grave to visit? Hmm? Let’s see, starve your brain damaged wife…keep her family out of the room when she takes her last breath…cremate her…take her ashes to another state…blame the parents for saving their daughter’s life. Who are you people?! -Christopher Mitchell

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  21. ginmar says:

    Christopher Mitchell, you’re misinformed. I’d like to know from what resources you acquired this ‘information.’

  22. KTO says:

    I am a Christian. I was embarassed, confused and angered by the conduct of those who called themselves Christians during this whole affair. During the last few weeks of Terri’s life, I often found myself wondering what Jesus would, indeed, do if presented with the situation. I can tell you this, He would not have organized a rally or become part of a political faction. That’s not what He was about. TRUE Christianity is NOT a political force, it’s a personal relationship.

    I was appalled at the insults, accusations, etc. that I read on some forums, in particular the “Christian” ones! Judge Greer being expelled from the church he had participated in for years was one of the most heartless things I have ever seen done by a church. Unfortunately, people usually equate ‘church’ with Christianity — it ain’t necessarily so.

    Whether Mr. Schiavo did right by his wife is between him and God. I have a right to express my opinion, but I do not have the right to use it to force people to my way of thinking or hurt them if they don’t.

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