Michael Schiavo, Everyman

It’s rare that I find myself in agreement with anything on The Corner; this, however, seems spot-on to me.

Michael Schiavo, as best I can judge, is Everyman. He has not behaved with high nobility; but then, very few of us do, certainly not for 15 years at a stretch. He seems to have done his best for a decent while, then given up in despair and turned back to his life, to the degree the situation and his conscience would let him. It’s possible I’ve missed something, but I haven’t seen any point in Michael Schiavo’s trajectory this 15 years past where I couldn’t all too easily see myself doing pretty much what he did. For all I can see, this is Ordinary Joe doing his imperfect and occasionally erroneous best with an appalling situation.

I think I have now read all the slanders against him, including the really lurid ones. All I can say about that is: If all the people who hate Michael Schiavo have, after all these years, not been able to persuade the authorities to charge him with anything, then the presumption of innocence seems to me a pretty good position to take.

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101 Responses to Michael Schiavo, Everyman

  1. ain says:

    hai!,i’m not a bulimic….but i’m doing a research about it for my english assignment. there a lot that i didn’t know..from my opinion to those who are bulimic you guys should talk to someone…you guys got a problem that you couldn’t take control of it so…you feel like control your eating habit is the only thing that is in your hand.please… sometimes, why don’t you look into the miror and see for your self how your body look like…when you don’t like what people do to you,say it out loud..don’t keep it to yourself…one last word from me,sometimes what you think as a big problem aren’t really that big,please love yourself because if you don’t nobody else will…i pray for you:)

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