Call your senator today!

[I don’t have time to post today (drawing), but I thought I ought to post this, so I’m swiping every word from Hannah at Feministing. (Think of it as a special “involuntary guest post.”) –Amp]

The U.S. Senate will have an up-or-down vote on the Federal Refusal Clause as soon as this Thursday, April 21. Why does this matter, you ask?

According to NARAL Pro Choice America, the Federal Refusal Clause provision slipped into the federal budget at the end of the 2004 and “allows any health-care company (including hospitals, health-insurance corporations, and HMOs) to refuse to comply with any federal, state, or local law that assures women have access to abortion services. It lets a health-care company gag its doctors, and bar them from providing abortion services – or even information – to their patients. Doctors could even be blocked from referring women clients to another doctor under this proposal even when a woman’s health is at risk. Under the Federal Refusal Clause, many women may lose access to vital reproductive health services, and in some cases may not even be told what options are available to them.”

Take action against this insanity and write your senator today.

[I will say that I followed the link at the end and sent an email to my senators, and it took all of 20 seconds. Maybe less. –Amp]

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3 Responses to Call your senator today!

  1. Sheelzebub says:

    Done–and also posted on my blog with links to you and Hannah. Thanks, Amp.

  2. Jay Sennett says:

    Done-and sent to friends.

  3. Pseudo-Adrienne says:


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