I’m getting back into drawing Hereville (which will slow down blogging on “Alas” a lot – my new rule is that I’m not allowed to blog unless I’ve made some progress on Hereville first). Page 27 can now be seen here.
Actually, I drew page 27 one and a half times. I drew it and started drawing page 28. Then, partway through drawing page 28, I realized that the scene I was drawing sucked. So I rewrote the scene, which made it necessary to redraw the bottom half of page 27 (and to throw away many of the pencils for page 28, as well).
And, for those of you who are curious, the original page 27 can be viewed here. Although I hate the script for the bottom half of the page, I like the visual pattern formed by the line of word balloons.
Huzzah! Pip pip! Cheers and salutations! Whoopee!
Great, more hereville. I hope that the final final version of that page is retouched up. Story-wise, I like how the bottom half is going now (as far as advancing the plot at a quicker pace) but the top half and bottom half don’t seem to be in quite stylistic synch. Just sayin’
Of course, I should probably reserve judgment until I’ve seen more. But then I’d see more if you’d have kept up with new comics, Amp. ;)