Gee, I wonder if they're disappointed

“Alas” is currently the number one google result for “prostitution porn.”

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24 Responses to Gee, I wonder if they're disappointed

  1. Josh Jasper says:

    I’m surprised you don’t get more drive by postings.

  2. Ampersand says:

    First-time posters here have their comments automatically moderated. Intelligent disagreement are let through, but comments of the “you stupid feminazis” variety I just delete.

  3. Not bad. A while back, my blog was the no. 1 hit for “yoga poses for male impotence.” I have no idea how that happened, as I had never written about yoga or impotence….

  4. Raznor says:

    That’s hilarious. I’m always happy to say that my blog is the number 1 listing for “raznor” – beating Nine Inch Nails fans who don’t know how to spell Trent Reznor’s last name.

  5. Jakob says:

    Crazy, axis.

    I doubt they’re disappointed, unfortunately. I know that when I google something I just scan the hits at first and ignore the ones I don’t think are relevant. It’s such a quick, automatic process that I rarely even notice if the link I end up clicking on is the first or third or whatever. I only get disappointed if I need to scroll down before reaching what I’m looking for.

    I’m Jake from the Msoverse, but I’m posting as Jakob to avoid confusion w Jake Squid.

  6. Raznor says:

    But then again, at a quick glance at the front google page there, there didn’t appear to be any actual porn sites. (quick ‘cos I’m at work) I don’t think people would enter words like “prostitution” or “prostitute” if they’re looking for porn. More likely a colloquialism like “hooker” or “hot asian school girls”.

    Still, bully for you!

  7. Antigone says:

    What I’m curious about is how you came across this tidbit of information. What have you been looking at lately, Amp?

  8. Rachel Ann says:

    Why does everyone else get such interesting hits? I’m so jealous. The “drive bys” that come to me are either looking up willow trees or trying to find info on someone named Rachel Ann Go, who is famous I gather. I’ve no idea who that is but she had better back off my territory.

  9. How do you find out what Google searches lead people to your page?

  10. Ampersand says:

    What I’m curious about is how you came across this tidbit of information. What have you been looking at lately, Amp?

    My referral logs. (Sorry to be so boring! :-)

    Brian –

    On WordPress, I installed a statistics plug-in which tells me that and some other info.

    On blogspot, which I think is where you are, I don’t know how you do it. If there’s nothing built-in, then you coult sign up with a hit counter – most of them also have functions to let you see what searches people are using to find your blog.

  11. wolfangel says:

    So, Amp, did you use this title to irritate the he-or-she-ers on the “Anyone who uses . . . ” thread, or was it just happy coincidence? :>

  12. Ah. I’ve seen logs like that for other sites. I was hoping there was some feature of Google I hadn’t heard about. I’m hoping to be the number one Website for “Trotskyite half-elf bard porn,” or something.

  13. Julian Elson says:

    Really? When I first posted, I was a pretty stupid troll. I just whined about insufficient “sensitivity” to pro-life arguments, IIRC. Well, I guess I was more incessantly nasal and whiny than actually offensive, so maybe Amp didn’t consider it censorship-worthy.

    Most hits for prostitution porn seem to be pretty tame. Well, better that you get a link to a bunch of posts from Amp than you get a post from GodlessCapitalist of GNXP. On one hand, Amp’s blog is more interesting than most porn sites. On the other, it can be a lot more time-consuming and addictive too!

  14. I once found that my own weblog was the number two result for googling, “lesbianism in Saudi harems.” I was very confused.

  15. Ampersand says:

    On one hand, Amp’s blog is more interesting than most porn sites. On the other, it can be a lot more time-consuming and addictive too!

    But, alas, far less profitable.


  16. Ol Cranky says:

    I’m sorry, I was google-bombing for grins yesterday and I guess I got a little carried away. . .

    (not really, but somebody must have been)

  17. I was helping maintain a Website for my socialist group for a while, and the third or fourth most common referrer was some site that renders a Web page in fake New Testament-ese. It was actually pretty funny.

  18. karpad says:

    more likely, it was the result of the couple dozen readers with blogs who linkback for “on Ampersand, there’s this really interesting discussion about the decriminalization of prostitution. personally, I think amp (is right on the money/doesn’t know what he’s talking about/is a goddamn patriarchy puppet) when he says that prostitution should be decriminalized while keeping the acts of both pimps and johns illegal. still. worth a read”

    because if I were more active on my blog, I’m pretty sure I could post that exact comment every damn week. it comes up alot.

  19. Glaivester says:

    Try Googling for “gender-neutral statutory rape.”

    Of course, in my case I actually blogged about this (specifically my thoughts on Mary Kay Letourneau).


  20. Jimmy Ho says:

    I don’t think people would enter words like “prostitution”? or “prostitute”? if they’re looking for porn. More likely a colloquialism like “hooker”? or “hot asian school girls”.

    What Raznor wrote, plus “ho”.

    Back when I had a blog, I used to get every kind of variation around the “hot Asian” thing, with options like “spreading legs”, “mail-order”, etc. After all, that’s how the idea for Big Bad Chinese Mama started. I liked it better when people where looking for information about cyberdissident Liu Di 刘è?» (“Stainless Mouse”). At least, I did write a few posts about her.

  21. Jimmy Ho says:

    (For the record, the “bolding” wasn’t intended; sorry about that.)

  22. Jimmy Ho says:

    (Also, it shoud be “people were looking”.)

  23. mythago says:

    I wish it were a Google tool. (I am told my site is the #1 hit for “jubbly engine.”

  24. Dan S. says:

    I don’t know about google rankings, but I’ve apparently had people turn up at my blog looking for “bog porn”.

    Hey, whatever floats your boat, but . . .

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