Description of cartoon: The cartoon shows a woman holding a child’s hand, in a fairly dismal-looking city area, standing on a sidewalk at the entrance to a building. Above the entrance is a sign that says “Really Good Careers.” To the right of the entrance, a smaller sign says “An equal opportunity employer.” The entrance is shaped like a male silhouette; it seems apparent that the woman and her child could not fit through the entrance.
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Alas, A Subscription Service
This was such a good cartoon. Now matter what people on the job market say, there are still not entirely equal opportunities from men as there are for women. The fact that the women was shown with a child is also something to notice. Men usually are not questioned about if they want to have a family or not will women are perceived to automatically want to start a career. When it comes to jobs and getting a job or starting a career women should not have to choose if they want children or not. Men do not have to worry about that and neither should women. The fact that the figure craved in the building is a man just shows how women are still not presented with equal job opportunities like men.