In an earlier post, I was skeptical about the impact of the new allegations against Dr. Hager – particularly the revalation that he was asked to send what he called a “minority report” regarding Plan B birth control to the FDA. I’m very happy to report that it seems I was wrong. Thanks to “Alas” reader Anne for pointing out this new twist on the story!
Dr. Hager has told reporters that he will be leaving the FDA’s Reproductive Health Drugs Advisory Committee at the end of June. So that’s good news. So long, and please be under the next bus out of town.
But it still leaves Plan B unavailable over the counter, unfortunately.
You’re welcome!
It’s only good news if he’s replaced with someone more likley to care about women’s health. I’m not sure about his other views, BTW.
Anyone taking bets on whether what got him bounced were the allegations that he had the butt sex? Reactionary wingnuts don’t much care about rape or about forcing women to carry pregnancies they don’t want, but they’re awfully touchy about sodomy.
Here’s a more in-depth article where some interesting statements are made.
Don’t break out the champagne yet.
The pattern for the past 5 1/2 years with resignations of Bush appointees has been:
1. Underqualified sycophantic appointee (USA) is caught in scandal
2. USA resigns to fanfare
3. USA’s name removed from letterhead
4. USA moves quietly to corner office
5. USA never actually parts with agency in question and continues to call the shots
I am highly suspicious of whether the latest newsflash means Hager is actually *gone*, or just off the radar.
Well, I don’t remember Bernie Kerik ever getitng a job with DHS, or anywhere in the Bush administration.
Also: I hope there’s some way to get a congressional investigation into whoever tapped him to write that minority report. He says he can’t reveal it. Bullshit. he can, he just won’t. A court order to force him to do so would be instructive.
I’m not breaking out the champagne (they could always replace him with someone worse, too) but I’m still pleased with it.
although plan b IS still unavailable over the counter, the good news is that many states have new laws in place allowing pharmacists to dispense it without a prescription. also, planned parenthood and other free clinics will dispense it with minimal hassle in most places. when those options are unavailable, you can take a certain amount of normal birth control pills (if you have those) and they will work the same way. there are several good sites which list how many pills to take for each type of pill.
*shameless plug*
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A court order to force him to do so would be instructive.
File a FOIA request.