A couple more Terri Schiavo links

I don’t foresee myself posting much more (or, perhaps, ever) regarding Terri Schiavo in the future; most of what’s going on in the media seems to be more of Terri’s families bashing each other, and I’m just not interested.

Here are a couple of links worth reading, though.

First, an article about the medical examiner in charge of Terri Schiavo’s autopsy report, Jon Thogmartin. From the article’s description, the guy is a somewhat egotistical Star Trek fan who prides himself in his independence from outside pressures, which is probably exactly the kind of person we want for this particular task. Although the article doesn’t say, I’d bet twenty dollars that Thogmartin has read most of Robert Heinlein’s novels.

Second of all, Matt at Abstract Appeal has made a “greatest hits” page of his best (or anyway, most popular) posts about the Terri Schiavo case. Matt has consistently done better legal and factual reporting on the Schiavo case than anyone else in the blogosphere or in the media.

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5 Responses to A couple more Terri Schiavo links

  1. Jasper says:

    I’m not much of a Heinlein expert/fan myself, so I am curious why you mentioned him here…did he write a story that relates to the themes in this case somehow?

  2. Ampersand says:

    No, nothing that direct. It’s just that Heinlein wrote a lot of heroes who made a big deal of being Independant Thinkers in the same general way this dude seems to.

  3. Robert says:

    Schiavo. Schiavo. Schiavo.

    Type it 100 times.

  4. Ampersand says:

    Why, whatever are you talking about, Robert?


  5. Robert says:


    Burn him!

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