We've come to it at last

Senator Frist’s itchy trigger finger on “the nuclear option” never allows us to forget how quickly doomsday is approaching the Legislature, and perhaps even the Judiciary Branch. Two of the most anti-women’s reproductive rights judicial nominees (yes they are women–imagine that!) are up for debate, which could lead Frist to activate the nuclear option, and possibly bring business on Capitol Hill to a hault.

Frist Opens Debate on Far-Right Judge, Could Trigger Nuclear Option

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) opened debate today on Priscilla Owen, an extreme right-wing, anti-women’s rights judicial nominee. This is the first step in a possible chain of events that could lead to a vote on the so-called “nuclear option.”? To change the Senate rules requires a two-thirds vote. The nuclear option, however, would change the Senate filibuster rules by only a simple majority vote. The nuclear option would ban filibusters on judicial nominees ““ including Supreme Court nominees ““ by requiring only a simple 51-vote majority to close debate and move to a vote on the judges. Present rules require 60 votes to close the debate.

“I can only conclude that the true purpose of the nuclear option is not to win confirmation of some or all of the small handful of nominees Democrats filibustered last year,”? said Reid on the Senate floor yesterday. “Rather, the goal of the Republican leadership and their allies in the White House is to pave the way for a Supreme Court nominee who would only need 50 votes for confirmation rather than 60. They don’t want consensus, they want confrontation.”?

Oh, they’ll get it alright. While we sit here and watch with glee the demise of our government.

Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Patty Murray (D-WA) held a press conference in the Capitol today opposing the nuclear option, joined by leading Congresswomen such as Nita Lowey (D-NY), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), Hilda Solis (D-CA), Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX), and Lois Capps (D-CA). Feminist Majority President Eleanor Smeal joined these women leaders in Congress, along with other women’s and reproductive rights leaders such as Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women; Kate Michelman, past president of NARAL Pro-Choice America; Karen Pearl, interim president of Planned Parenthood; Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America; Marcia Greenberger, co-president of the National Women’s Law Center; and Vicki Saporta, president of the National Abortion Federation.

Nice coalition.

The press conference emphasized the anti-women’s rights records of the contentious Bush judicial nominees, including Owen. Currently a justice on Texas’ Supreme Court, Owen has consistently shown herself to be hostile to women’s rights and workers’ rights . In every abortion-related opinion on the Texas Supreme court, Owen has voted against abortion rights.

I’ve been hearing some blurbs here and there about how the Democrats protesting the nuclear option and these two judges are being “racist and sexist”, and even hypocritical against the Democratic Party’s platform of promoting women and people of Color to higher offices of political power. It doesn’t matter what sex or race these two judges are, it’s about their track records as judges. They’re attacking their political ideologies, not sex or race. Anyway, I’ll enjoy the firestorm on the floor of Congress. We really should thank Frist and the other neoconservatives on the Hill for all of this ridiculously obnoxious, yet hysterical fun in the Congress.

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6 Responses to We've come to it at last

  1. if you are interested, here are the groups opposed to Patricia Owen:


    and here are the groups opposed to Janice Rodgers Brown:


    I’m wondering if this is going to be a ‘cuban missile crisis’ or will the clock actually tick past 12? I’m seriously liking Boxer right now :)

  2. Anne says:

    Well, they sure as heck wouldn’t be on the White House’s Most Favored Femmes list if they were in favor of women’s rights, you know.

    Today I left a terse message for my Senator (Salazar) protesting his participation in the attempt to find a “compromise” with the Right-wingnuts that would allow some of these lunatic nominees to come to a vote.

    Frist doesn’t have the votes to go “nuclear” and if the Democrats and those few, principled Republicans can just keep track of their backbones….

  3. Kenneth Wells says:

    I am a US Milirary Retired NCO and has spent 20+ years defending the rights that the republican powers to be are trying to take away and I want you all to know that I am behind you all one hundred percent.
    Now if any of you know where I can find a Blog pertaining to military information in the northwest to the left of the right I would appreciate it.

  4. Kim (basement variety!) says:

    Hey Kenneth! Thanks for your service and congrats on the retirement. I’m sure it’s been an interesting time to serve.

    The closest thing I know to a west based military blog is the Daily Kos a political blog run by a former Army guy out of San Francisco. Much of what is discussed there is brilliant and enlightening.

  5. acm says:

    actually, they’re not even attacking their political ideologies (which are shared in many cases by those who’ve been approved), but indications that these justices can’t lay aside their own prejudices in order to follow legal precedent. that’s a job disqualification, pure and simple.

    as for other myths related to the filibuster, I recommend
    Media Matters top 10 fibs list

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