Anybody catch the season ender of Gilmore Girls?

My TIVO-like device somehow missed recording the last minute or two of this week’s Gilmore Girls. Did Luke propose at the end?

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7 Responses to Anybody catch the season ender of Gilmore Girls?

  1. pseu (deja pseu) says:

    No, Lorelei did! :-)

    It was after Luke was ranting about how “we” were going to handle Rory’s latest crisis. Very sweet.

  2. Robert says:

    What’s your Tivo-like device?

  3. Ampersand says:

    It’s something offered with my digital cable by the cable company, and built into the cable box. Rather than being a separate thing, its menus are integrated with the digital cable menus.

  4. Ampersand says:

    Thanks, Deja Pseu!

  5. wolfangel says:

    Lorelei proposed, and Luke did a double take and said “What?” or “What did you just say?” and Lorelei looked shocked and that was the end of it, with the sort of cliffhanger of “will she change her mind?”

  6. Tim says:

    The WB is going to rebraodcast sometime in the next two weeks. The show ran over by 27 seconds and many people missed recording the ending.

    See this article from the Trib.

  7. Kathryn says:

    Why are the Palladinos leaving? Related to merger of the networks?

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