Over a decade!

Hey, I just noticed that I’ve been blogging on “Alas” for over a decade now. Damn!

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11 Responses to Over a decade!

  1. Robert says:

    You’re very old.

    You’re so old, you remember when there were three main channels on your TV, PBS, and maybe one or two UHF stations that came in all fuzzy. And if you missed a show, well, too damn bad. It was gone and it wasn’t coming back.

  2. John says:

    And I’ve been lurking here for eight years. Damn! :)

  3. Eva says:

    Amp, Pretty freaking awesome. Robert, except in reruns. ;0)

  4. RonF says:


    Robert, I’m so old that I remember when UHF TV channels didn’t exist at all. CBS, NBC, ABC and PBS – that was it. Channels 2, 5, 7 and 11.

  5. Robert says:

    You must be pretty old then, Ron, because UHF channels went live in 1949.

    Eva – There was no guarantee that it ever would. I still have a painful memory of sitting down to watch (OK, a rerun) episode of Star Trek that I *hadn’t seen before* when my dad came in and asked if I wanted to go see “Star Wars”, which had just hit the theaters.

    I had to choose. I HAD TO CHOOSE. (Star Wars, naturally. Trek was already in reruns so I knew it would be back on an intellectual level…but what if they canceled the reruns?)

    Painful choices? That Sophie chick had nothing on me.

    Also, I think we’re losing focus on the important key element of this discussion:

    Amp is old. Really, really old.

  6. Simple Truth says:

    Congratulations! You’ve brought a lot of thought-provoking insight to my corner of the world for at least five of those ten years, and I am very thankful for it. :D

  7. Ampersand says:

    Also, I think we’re losing focus on the important key element of this discussion:

    Amp is old. Really, really old.

    Dude, we were in college together. If I’m a toothless old fart, what does that make you?

    Hey, remember when Phil H. turned 20, and we threw him a surprise “you’re old now, and you’re gonna die soon” party?

  8. Robert says:

    I use my race and gender privilege to delay the passage of time. I’m still 29.

  9. nobody.really says:

    And I’ve been lurking here for eight years. Damn!

    And I think it’s been eight years since I stopped lurking.

  10. Ampersand says:

    Wow, what a great entrance you made, Nobody!

    (“Has anyone matched that entrance? Nobody has!”)

  11. Grace Annam says:

    Gotta say, nobody.really, that’s a hell of an entrance. Had to go home and sing it to the family.


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