I need to renew my ownership of “amptoons.com” very soon. Does anyone out there know of a company they’d recommend for domain renewal? Please let me know.
When capitalized, "Sie" is the formal way to address adults of either gender in polite German. I majored in the…
I do all my hosting at GoDaddy.com. They’re inexpensive and have been reliable for the last three years.
I went with GoDaddy.com until their Super Bowl commercial – it really, really offended me. I now use Dotster, and all’s well.
000Domains.com is what I’ve used. I got a 3-year renewal for USD$40.50. I haven’t had any trouble. I’ve also used MyDomain.com and they also haven’t caused me any problems.
I just started my third year with them, and it’s only $8.95 for one year.
I’ve been using GoDaddy for four years, because my wonderful hosting company recommended it to me and it’s cheap and reliable–well, as reliable as a domain name registration company can be, I guess. What’s the difference is between a $35 domain name and a $10 domain name, anyway?
I’d avoid GoDaddy because of their adveritising. I’ve used Powweb for hosting and domain renewal since I started the blog, and they’ve been great.
Dreamhost or DirectNic.
I second mythago on Dreamhost; also check gandi — they’re French, and charge in Euros, but are very good.
Dreamhost also is a GREAT hosting provider — if you continue having issues with your current host, you might want to check them out.
I adore Doteasy. Their domain registrations are reasonably priced and as an added bonus and convenience, they offer incredible deals on hosting packages and an excellenct support staff. I will never use another service unless they go out of business for some reason.
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