WOOOOO! Advance copy of Hereville: How Mirka Met a Meteorite!

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7 Responses to WOOOOO! Advance copy of Hereville: How Mirka Met a Meteorite!

  1. 2
    Grace Annam says:

    Awesome, Amp! :D


  2. 3
    Eytan Zweig says:


  3. 4
    nobody.really says:

    How TOTALLY cool! Somehow the banners look more 3-dimentional than on the first book.

    I LOVE the caption! I didn’t think it was possible to beat “Yet Another Troll-Fighting 11-Year-Old Orthodox Jewish Girl.”

    But how are you going to keep up the spherical-object + Mirka motif with the next book cover? Is this gonna limit the range of subjects Mirka can encounter? (“Nope, Mirka can’t confront a skeleton — too angular. But how ’bout a matzah ball? Or a giant Pac-Man?”)

  4. 5
    Simple Truth says:

    Wow! That cover turned out gorgeous! Great job Amp! :D

  5. 6
    nm says:


  6. 7
    Jake Squid says:

    How long before the Star Trek Franchise hordes attack you?

    The cover looks fantastic.