This weekend “Alas” will be moving to its new host. To facilitate the move, I’m going to have to freeze comments starting Friday. (To be precise, I plan to turn off comments at midnight Pacific time, Thursday night). If all goes well, comments will be working again by Monday morning (maybe sooner), and our bandwidth problems will not reoccur.
Once again, if you’d like to contribute towards the costs of “Alas,” feel free to click on the screaming punk dude in the sidebar. Contributions go towards paying for the “Alas” server(s) bill, plus towards being able to tip the expert who’s helping moving the enormous “Alas” database of comments. Many thanks to everyone who’s already contributed; it’s really appreciated.
Alas, no Blog. ::Eeek::
So basically any comment posted around, say, now, is going to sit unchallenged at the top of your “recently commented” roll for 72 hours. Excellent.
Down with the Democrats!
Bork and Coulter for the Supreme Court.
Mandatory gun ownership as a condition of the franchise – no gun, no vote.
Equal pay for equal work.
No social benefits for non-citizens.
[cut by amp]
Bomb Iran.
No trade with socialist, totalitarian or nondemocratic nations.
Bomb Venezuela.
Bomb Cuba.
Redirect all discretionary social welfare funding to the space program.
Privatize everything.
Legalize pot.
(Thought I should have at least ONE on their that someone else will agree with ).
Good luck on the transition!
testing, testing, blah blah blah
Yay, you’re back online.
Which one did you cut? I can’t remember. Dang it, now I’ll never know which statement is worthy of your editorial attention!