How would the far-Rightwingers on the Supreme Court, Karl Rove, Dubya Bush, “Pharmacists for Life”, and Pat Robertson makeover your life, even within your very own home? So Feng Shui, isn’t it? (yeah I know, very short post)
Nobody, LOL! I honestly haven't run into that factoid before.
who knew the right wing supported orgies (that’s a lotta people in one bed)? NARAL need to change the kitchen makeover, she should be barefoot, pregnant with a bunch of babies on the floor.
I’m surprised to find that John Roberts’ accession to the Supreme Court will cause Pat Robertson to gain control of my TV remote.
If NARAL had any credibility outside the hard edge of the abortion rights crowd, this kind of nonsense would damage it.
Credibility judgements coming from a guy who I would assume supports an administration that consulted with Jerry Falwell for SCOTUS nomination advice? Pfft, Robert, come on now.
“Hard edge,” ??? [snicker] NARAL ?!!
I reiterate, Robert. Your definition of “extremes,” “hard edges” and so on leads me to believe that you don’t understand half as much about politics as you think you do. Pompously evading questions by repeating platitudes that most of the regulars have heard and rejected thousands of times before they ever knew you from dust on their screen hardly qualifies you as an expert on anything, particularly what the “hard edge” of abortion rights would look like.
Ol’ Cranky–Come on! You know the babies should be in her arms! And not only babies; there should be a couple toddlers too.
If that Pharmacists For Life bitch touches MY birth control I’ll shove HER in the toilet. Wait . . . Pharmacists For Life opposes the Pill? They’d rather we just kept having abortions every time we get pregnant, huh? Personally, I think the Pill is more efficient (and cheaper, and more responsible), but to each her own, I guess.
Hmmm . . . Pharmacists For Life is pushing for lots and lots of abortions, the conservatives want the Supreme Court to watch everyone in America have sex, and Pat Robertson is a remote-control whore.
Anybody need some REAL humor? Check out
(Guess who won Stupidest Man of the Year? Bush? Nope. Ann Coulter! *smirk*)
and then
to read the nominees. I like the nominee lineup for Stupidest Statement of the Year.
(Bush did win that one.)
Real funny. Of course, with Bush in the White House, we could use some humor.
Kim and Alsis, the hardliners on MY side of the political fence have political influence and access to the corridors of power. (More than they ought to, for my taste.)
The hardliners on YOUR side of the fence have an increasingly marginal position within their own caucuses and are regularly betrayed by the powerful people who claim to represent them.
Maybe you[r] hardliners should, I don’t know, learn something from our hardliners, instead of weakly making fun of them.
Your call; snark, or influence.
Robert, if you were really secure in your supposed victory, I don’t think that you’d feel compelled to spend nearly so much advertising it in supposedly foreign territory. If I liked to play the sort of routine passive-aggressive (or “civilized”) dirty pool that you do, I’d almost be tempted to say that you are… worried that some little voice deep down in your trollish little soul thinks that we might be correct in our beliefs. In fact, I find it a little odd that as more of your so-called Guardians of truth move to consolidate their Great Moral Victory, you obsess more and more with slapping “extreme” this and “out-of-the-mainstream” that labels all over the place –as if you were an eight-year-old in 1977 set loose upon the swingset with a freshly-aquired case of Wacky Packs.
At any rate, if Hilary Clinton and Ellie Smeal are the “hardline” in protecting choice, I’m pretty sure that I could morph into whatsername who had her chest computer-reduced in that Disney flick, just by praying to Helen Gurley Brown and spending $60 at the Gap. Ho hum.
P.S.– I don’t believe that you really dislike what the hardliners on your side stand for, Robert. You might find them a little tacky and emotional, but no. I think you exist to soft-peddle what they do, and the slip as much of their attitudes in under the radar as you can possibly manage. I don’t feel any safer or more comfortable with you in this space than I would with the idiots who bombard spaces like Pinko Feminist Hellcat’s with admonitions that we’re killing cute li’l babies or can’t get a “good man” or blah blah blah. I think under you’re breath, you’re cheering people like that on. At any rate, your packaging may be “civilized” but its contents are every bit as barbaric as what your own “hard-edge” peddles. Barbaric, rank, and hateful.
So, snark it is. Good choice.
“The hardliners on YOUR side of the fence have an increasingly marginal position within their own caucuses and are regularly betrayed by the powerful people who claim to represent them.”
Robert, you do hit it on the head at times (ouch). I sometimes wonder what many on the left (and right for that matter) get by being so self-righteous and onerous that there is little chance of actually getting anything changed? The rational for many Progressive issues just make sense; however the vitriol and language used frequently places us outside of the discussion to get anything done. The folks that suffer are the ones that frequently have the least representation, the spoilers often standing back saying, “I told you so,” like that is some sort of justification for being ineffective.
The way to make the changes is to get on message, get organized, and show up with the votes to hold our people accountable. If we continue to be so monolithic and easily pulled off topic as of late; If we continue to scream as so many did about how unfair Clinton was treated and then rail against Hillary, who was not voted in by the opposition, what difference can we possibly make?
Why would anyone be surprised that GW had Jerry Falwell in for tea and nominees? GW is just as threatened by his conservative base, as he is the Left. (As repugnant as Jerry is) he was played to show the far right that they had a say in his nominee and quiet them as he picked a Catholic (not Evangellical) with no track record for them to have for security either.
Personally, I believe that showing people that they do have a stake in the decision, that the rational for killing people in war is not an expression of loyalty to God and country but a waste of so many lives and resources…(that will not effect Democracy as we understand it for the defeated.) That insuring minority rights are in all of our interests, that exploitation is exploitation even if it enables some to drive an SUV, and have cheap goods while impoverishing others…
Robert, the reason I think you hang around here is that in your soul you know in many things we are fundamentally right. I believe that sooner or later you will come to stand with us in using your very astute mind to help us deliver victories for so many that have not seen any for a very long time. Blessings.
If our hardliners ever got as disgustingly vile as yours, I’d lead the revolt. The difference is, you can quietly put up with people like Pat Robertson, Ann Coulter or Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Nuke Mecca).
I’d rather not win by being backstabbling lying cheating fearmongering scum.
Don’t forget the King of Ethics Tom DeLay; cat-killing, flip-flopin’onbraindeath, videotape diagnostitician supreme Bill Frist; sanctimonious school-district gouger Rick Santorum; hypocritical former activist state supreme court judge Tom Conryn & Frank Hitler wasn’t as bad as Gitmo detainees are b/c he “sort of had a political rationale about what he was doing” LoBiondo.
I actually hated the linked campaign, for all that I agree with the message behind it. It smacked of Republican tactics, putting emotionalism over reason, and visually it was just plain ugly and amateurish. It was light on supported fact and heavy on cheap shots, and didn’t even manage to be funny. Worst of all, perhaps, I’d expect it to be counterproductive: whose mind will it change, and in which direction? Committed pro- or anti-choice minds won’t change, and I’d think it more likely to push undecideds away.
I thought it was supposed to be funny. And I thought it was. Especially the picture of all the justices in bed with that couple. Definitely a nightmare-worthy image, especially combined with the paper dolls from America, the book. Oh, bad mental place.