But first, some context.
1. Dropped silverware in our plastic-tubbed dishwasher leads to a heating coil being out of place, which in turn leads to a huge hole in the bottom of the tub, which leads us to buy a new, steel-tubbed dishwasher.
2. To install the new dishwasher, installation dude needs space under kitchen sink emptied of all bottles and other under-sink residents. So I need a big cardboard box.
3. Searching through storage, Charles finds a good box for the purpose high on a shelf. It’s a large Mike’s Hard Lemonade box that is mostly, not not entirely, empty.
4. Which leads me to my question. Are unopened bottles of Mike’s Hard Lemonade from 2009 still good?
Yes. Yes, they are. I’ll be happy to prove that to you on Wednesday afternoon.
The type of things which would make them go bad will also make them taste bad. If they’re still carbonated and if they don’t taste disgusting (try at room temp first, so you can tell more easily) you’ll be fine.
Take a sip and don’t swallow until you get a sense of the taste. If they taste bad, they are.
Were they ever??
If they’re bottled in Canada, then indubitably so! They make it with vodka rather than malt liquor. One of a number of things I’m jealous of my northern neighbors for, in addition to ketchup chips and poutine.
Elusis: I made the exact same joke.
If the seal isn’t compromised it’s not harmful. So if it tastes good, it’s still good.
What good are they at al….
Oh… Booze.
Right. Just drink it. If you die; don’t post anymore.
Peace and love… sad
Unopened bottles of Mike’s Hard Lemonade from early this morning suck, so I wouldn’t touch ones from 2009.
I know that hard liquor keeps for years in an unopened bottle (and even an opened one if it’s still at least 1/2 full).