Help Send Sarah in Chicago to New Zealand

From BitchPhD:

In comments to the crumpet post, frequent commenter Sarah in Chicago let on that (1) she’s homesick for New Zealand; (2) she hasn’t been home in 4 years; (3) her sister’s getting married next month; (4) she can’t afford a plane ticket.

So I thought. Hm. What if we did a blog fundraiser to see if we can buy Sarah a ticket back to New Zealand for her sister’s wedding? This blog gets about 5,000 readers/day. I did some googling and found a round-trip ticket from LA to New Zealand for under $800 (if purchased by Friday), and another round-trip from Chicago to New Zealand for a little over $1300.

I bet we can do it. If you can help Sarah get home for her sister’s wedding, even if only with a couple of bucks, please click on that paypal “donation” button over in the near right sidebar. Everything I get I’ll forward to Sarah (who I’m actually going to meet this weekend). Sarah says that if, in the end, we can’t raise enough to buy her a ticket, she’ll donate it to Planned Parenthood. But I’m sure we can do it. What do you guys say?

Sarah is also one of my favorite comment-writers here at “Alas,” and letting her see her long-lost sister seems like a worthy cause. So let me encourage y’all to go throw a buck or two into the “make a donation” button at BitchPhD.

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7 Responses to Help Send Sarah in Chicago to New Zealand

  1. Thank you ever so much Amp, I am still completely blown away by the support that’s coming.

    I only mentioned my sister’s wedding in passing in a pertinent discussion over at bitchphd, thinking nothing of it. Much to my surprise a few hours later I get an email for the above suggestion from Dr. B, and suddenly the ball is rolling.

    So, now we have links from both here at Alas and at Shakespeare’s Sister. To anyone that doubts that there is strength and community in the liberal blogosphere, this is such evidence as to completely refute that. As much as I hope we can make the goal, because it is definitely not certain, regardless it’s just incredible that people are willing to try.

    And I also think it’s a touch apt that such an act of effective democratic socialism is helping me get home for this, lol :)

    So, I thank ever so much anyone that can and does help in any way, no matter how small (and don’t forget to leave a comment on the post on her site, just to say hi to everyone else).

    Thank you all so much

  2. Robert says:

    This isn’t socialism. Socialism would be a government program to provide airfare to indigent foreign nationals, funded by tax dollars.

    This is classical liberalism, in the mold favored by Edmund Burke. Your “tiny platoon” of friends and soulmates are making voluntary contributions of their privately-owned resources, to further a common goal.

    Which is darn nice of them. Have a nice trip.

  3. Charles says:

    Goal accomplished, by the way.

    Many felicitations to Sarah in Chicago, and to all who contributed!

  4. alsis39 says:

    I didn’t get to contribute, because I got home too late. :o

    Sarah, I expect many photos of the festivities, with a credible backdrop of something kiwi-like. Otherwise, I will avenge myself by floating rumors that you don’t even have a sister, much less a kiwi, and that this whole mini-pledge-drive was just a ploy so that you could finally get that IPOD you’ve been pining for all year. :p

  5. alsis39 hon –

    if you want to contribute still, I’d love the help, as taxes for the airfares are kicking us in the arse, just make sure on the paypal page linked through to from Dr.B’s ‘donate’ button you mention me in the ‘comments’ part of the form :)

    I’d still appreciate all the help I can get.

  6. Phoenician in a time of Romans says:

    This isn’t socialism. Socialism would be a government program to provide airfare to indigent foreign nationals, funded by tax dollars.

    *cough* *cough* *means of production* *cough*

  7. Phoenician –

    aw hon, just as I was doing so well at ignoring him, and the blatant mistake he made :)

    And Alsis –

    *grin* lets say I _didn’t_ have a sister … I’m sure I can find one wedding to crash and take photos of, after all, it is getting into early spring back home … and OF COURSE I would never purchase an iPod *whistles innocently*

    and ‘pining’? I wouldn’t say ‘pining’ exactly …. unrequited love would be a better description :)

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