Live Comment Preview is Back!

As some of you may have noticed, when I moved “Alas” to DreamHost, the “Live Comment Preview” stopped functioning. Now it’s working again – due to helpful advice from Michael of Following

Thanks, Michael!

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6 Responses to Live Comment Preview is Back!

  1. Josh Jasper says:

    So this post should be listed somewhere on th sidebar?

  2. Ampersand says:

    No, live comment preview means that the text to your comment appears below the comment box as you type.

  3. BritGirlSF says:

    Amp, the recently commented link seems to have vanished. Is it coming back?

  4. Ampersand says:

    Britgirl, it will come back when a new plug-in is written for it. See this post for further explanation.

  5. Nella says:

    ah, so that’s what it is – i find it kind of scary, but maybe that’s cos i’m not used to it.

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