Monday Baby Blogging – Final edition as an only child!

In honor of Sydney’s last week as an only child, here are various cute photos of Syndey playing by herself.

Sydney with Cthulu doll

When I say “by herself,” I’m not counting her Cthulhu doll, which Phil and I got her for her first birthday.

Cthulhu doll

I heart this doll.

Sydney wearing Amp's shirtl

Here’s an older photo of Sydney modeling one of my shirts. A perfect fit!

Sydney on ladder

Of all the photos I’ve taken of Sydney, this one’s my favorite. (Click on the photo to see a larger version). I like her don’t-give-me-no-shit expression and the grey-and-purple color scheme.

Sydney looking cute

I don’t really have much to say about this photo, but she sure is adorable, ain’t she?

Next week’s baby blogging will feature Sydney’s new baby sister, Maddox, who we’re expecting to arrive on Saturday the 15th. So cool.

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18 Responses to Monday Baby Blogging – Final edition as an only child!

  1. Glaivester says:

    This reminds me:

    I have every Inhumanoids action figure except for the generic Redwood soldier. (And I have on DVD 9 of the 13 episodes, the last four have not come out on DVD as far as I can tell)

    Does anyone remember Inhumanoids? They were sort of an H.P. Lovecraft crossed with the Transformers cartoon with affiliated toys.

    Tendril, in particular, bore a strong resemblance to Cthulhu.

  2. Dianne says:

    I love the cthlhu doll! I want one for my little S, who is just slightly older than Sydney. Where did you get it?

  3. Ampersand says:

    Phil and I found the doll at a local comic book store – I don’t remember which one. But you can also find them online. Plus, there are also Cthulhu slippers, which gave me a giggle.

  4. AndiF says:

    Amp, we know that Sydney has some adjustments coming but I’m much more worried about you — are you ready to deal with the terrifying “fear of having a favorite”?

  5. Jill says:

    Do you ever bring her to New York? Do you ever need a baby-sitter?

  6. nobody.really says:

    [A]re you ready to deal with the terrifying “fear of having a favorite”?

    Of course you don’t play favorites. And to demonstrate this fact, you will of course take as many photos of the new kid as of the old one, right? But, darn it, the kids spend a lot of time together, so many of the photos of the new kid will contain the old one, too, which isn’t helping you catch up with the huge number of Sydney-only photos you’ve amassed.

    And with two kids around, there will simply be less time for taking photos. Plus, quite honestly, some of the novelty will wear off. Maddox will do many of the same things as Sydney, but it just won’t be the same. When Sydney pulled on your shirt, you raced downstairs to get the camera; when Maddox does the same thing, will you feel the same compunction? Been there, done that.

    But even while Maddox is plowing old ground, YOU can look forward to a new sensation – guilt that you are not giving Maddox equal attention! Yes, now you too can feel self-conscious about pouring forth your love, love that flowed unimpeded before. But wait, there’s more: You can also feel self-conscious about feeling self-conscious! We’ll even through in some worry about how your self-conscious behavior is affecting Maddox’s development. Plus, if you order by midnight tonight, you can get research on the developmental effects of birth order and REALLY drive yourself crazy!

    But congrats about the new addition to the household. Really. Complexity has its advantages, too. So when she gets there, give Maddox a big kiss from me.

    (…yes, yes, and Syndey too….)

  7. Robert says:

    Just explain to Sydney that now there’s a new baby, you won’t be loving her as much. She’ll understand.

    You heartless bastards.

  8. Kim (basement variety!) says:

    Actually Uncle Amp and Uncle Charles take tons of pictures of Sydney. It’s mommy and daddy that have been a’slackin! We honestly try with the pictures – but I admit, it’s nice to have others helping out in the photo-journal!

    Sydney btw, is very much looking forward to Maddox – my biggest concern is the whole nursing thing. She was a bit of a boob-hound, all the way through 20 or so months old, and I’m not sure how she’s going to feel about Maddox nursing. Granted, I’m sure she’ll get over it, but that’s where I anticipate a bit of ‘issue’ with the new little one. Otherwise I worry most about her trying to pick her up and give ‘uggies’ which is Sydney slang for hugs.

  9. alsis39 says:

    Just make sure you stop at two kids. If you have another one, you create middle children, and we all know what sort of neurotic freaks THEY always turn out to be. Ahem.

    Love Always,


  10. Dianne says:

    Amp, thanks! I’m getting one. Plus the slippers. Nothing like an elder god for keeping one’s feet warm. Don’t worry about the second child syndrome. Maddox will do things differently from Sydney and those differences will send you running for the camera. And Sydney and Maddox together will be even cuter than either alone. (Of course, you may not get to the camera because the chances of a crisis at any given time increases exponentially with the number of kids in the house.)

  11. Kim (basement variety!) says:

    Hehe Alsis, we are -so- done after this one. Matt in fact has offered to get the third and final surgery since I’ve had to have the first two surgery’s (c-sections that is). After this, it’s all about the exchange students, and nothin’ about the morning sickness, overcrowded abdomen and – well – plethora of other things that make pregnancy just as unbearable as it is wonderful.

  12. NancyP says:

    OMG! Or, OMEG! The things that you have to do to get a child into the Academy of the Necromicon these days. Used to be, you started training them up in the ways about age 10, now you have to make sure they are at the “right” preschool, yada-yada-yada, to make sure they get accepted at the Academy at age 18.

  13. NancyP says:

    OMEG! that link above shows a Miskatonic U.- robed Chthulu. Just the thing for my academic office.

  14. RowanCrisp says:

    Congrats on the impending!

    And I dig the Cthuhlu doll too.

  15. alsis39 says:

    Kim wrote:

    Matt in fact has offered to get the third and final surgery since I’ve had to have the first two surgery’s (c-sections that is).

    Well, Aaron and I never did get around to throwing that post-wedding… er, whatever. Maybe we could have two celebrations, and combine ’em. I shudder to imagine what the combo-celebration cake would look like, though. Can you craft scalpels and Providence cards from spun sugar ? Martha wouldn’t hesitate, I suppose.

    BTW, Martin Luther King, Jr. was a middle child. Somehow that seems all wrong to me, but it’s true. :/

  16. Kim (basement variety!) says:

    Would that be better or worse than a briss?

  17. Susan says:

    I don’t know how old you are, but you might leave room to change your mind….

    I had two kids at 22 and 24. A boy and a girl. How orderly.

    Then, later, I changed my mind, and we had two more, when I was 37 and 39. A boy and a girl. Still orderly.

    Same guy. No accidents. Although I did wonder at some points how good a plan it was.


  18. Kim (basement variety!) says:

    I’m 35, Matt is 31. And we’re done, we know this one for sure. At this point, we figure if we want to have more, we’d be much better off welcoming children that are already around into our home, versus making more. We’re extremely happy about the decisions we’ve made with regards to having two of our own, but our position has been kind of the standard one child per parent formula. :)

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