An arrest warrant for….

….Mr. Tom DeLay. Today a Texas court issued an arrest warrant for DeLay, where he’ll go through the usual booking, mug-shot, fingerprinting, etc. Providing that he surrenders himself to the authorities. I wonder who in the blogosphere will get a hold of DeLay’s mug-shot photos first (it won’t be me, because my laptop is horrible when it comes to downloading photos).

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A Texas court issued a warrant Wednesday for former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay to appear for booking, where he is likely to face the fingerprinting and photo mug shot he had hoped to avoid.

Bail was initially set at $10,000 as a routine step before his first court appearance on conspiracy and money laundering charges. Travis County court officials said DeLay was ordered to appear at the Fort Bend County jail for booking.

The warrant was “a matter of routine and bond will be posted,” DeLay attorney Dick DeGuerin said.

The lawyer declined to say when DeLay would surrender to authorities but said the lawmaker would make his first court appearance Friday morning.[…]

DeLay had also turned down a deal from the prosecution to plea guilty to a lesser charge in order to save his job. Meanwhile his lawyers and campaign are continuing their assault against the prosecution by distributing information attacking the prosecutor, and going after him (the prosecutor) for misconduct. And DeLay continues to deny any wrongdoing. Poor Hammer. It’s been such a tough past few weeks for him.

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7 Responses to An arrest warrant for….

  1. alsis39 says:

    Whenever he’s called “The Hammer,” I end up with the theme from the short-lived MC Hammer Saturday morning cartoon stuck in my head for at least an hour afterwards.

    Thanks, P-A. I’ll get you for this, someday… :p

  2. RonF says:

    As they say on Free Republic, “I’ll bring the popcorn.”

    In other words, this ought to be a good show.

    Various FReepers have been accusing the prosecutor of cooking up these charges for political reasons, and offer that he has indicted Republicans before only to see the charges defeated or thrown out. We’ll see, though. That may not be true, or taken out of context. Or it may be true, but irrelevant. If DeLay did the crime, he should do the time.

  3. Radfem says:

    We all know Republicans are incapable of committing crimes after all. Just like we know they save it for marriage and only sleep or think unclean thoughts about their wives.

    After all, they could never, ever commit any greater crime than lying about a blow job.

    Sure do.

    He’s a politician, and these days that word, and criminal are interchangable.

  4. alsis39 says:

    “Whenever there’s a crime
    Some crooks are gonna’ do time !
    They all better beware
    ‘Cuz the Hammer Man will be there…”

  5. LAmom says:

    Here’s Delay’s mug shot. Can anybody tell what kind of lapel pin he’s wearing?

  6. The Heretik says:

    I too will bring the popcorn. Buttered.

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