You Won’t Believe How This New York Observer Article about Vox Media Taking On @SavedYouAClick Over Sopranos Spoiler Gave Freddie deBoer Cardiac Arrest
7 Responses to You Won’t Believe How This New York Observer Article about Vox Media Taking On @SavedYouAClick Over Sopranos Spoiler Gave Freddie deBoer Cardiac Arrest
I also had no idea what this was all about. Took me nearly three minutes to find this.
Now, my fellow cave dwellers, you know what is happening in the world of pop culture. Also, there’s this cool Google thingamahwidget that is all the rage of the webtubes!
I suspect the main attraction / cause for taking to the sea in this case is the subject-tag “Clickbait” above the headline in the New York Observer screen cap. The article itself (guessing from the headline) would appear to be about the merits of clickbaiting headlines (for examples, see any UpWorthy post on Facebook, or the title Amp wrote for this post) when they in fact conceal spoilers about entertainment media, thereby allowing the potential reader to decide whether or not they would like to be exposed to a potentially spoiler-y article/image/etc.
However, the headline used in the New York Observer article is itself quite clickbait-y in construction, and so the subject-tag is also accurate as a description of the manner in which the content is presented, and is thus ironic, and altogether too much for poor Mr. deBoer.
Longer version for unknown reasons:
Again, guessing from the headline, it seems that there is a twitter account called @SavedYouaClick that presumably retweets articles with clickbaiting headlines and includes the answer(s) promised by such headlines, thereby ‘saving’ you a ‘click’. I’m supposing that Vox wrote an article about the recent statement made by one of the Sopranos’ creators regarding the ‘true’ meaning of the ambiguous series finale*, and to save their readers from this Word of God spoiler, should they wish to interpret the text without authorial influence, or if indeed they have not watched the show but intend to and would rather not know the ending before they began. Following that, I’m guessing @SavedYouaClick tweeted the Vox article and included the spoiler, and then Vox wrote an/some articles about that, and then someone at the New York Observer wrote an article about the whole debacle, for which headline writer at the New York Observer wrote a rather clickbait-y headline, and then some other person added the “Clickbait” subject-tag, which ironically was descriptive of both the message and the medium.
O.K. I clicked on the link and read it. And it is completely meaningless to me. Can someone explain?
Though I feel like I am exposing myself as someone who lives in a cave, just for asking. ;)
I also had no idea what this was all about. Took me nearly three minutes to find this.
Now, my fellow cave dwellers, you know what is happening in the world of pop culture. Also, there’s this cool Google thingamahwidget that is all the rage of the webtubes!
Ron F. and gin-and-whiskey:
I suspect the main attraction / cause for taking to the sea in this case is the subject-tag “Clickbait” above the headline in the New York Observer screen cap. The article itself (guessing from the headline) would appear to be about the merits of clickbaiting headlines (for examples, see any UpWorthy post on Facebook, or the title Amp wrote for this post) when they in fact conceal spoilers about entertainment media, thereby allowing the potential reader to decide whether or not they would like to be exposed to a potentially spoiler-y article/image/etc.
However, the headline used in the New York Observer article is itself quite clickbait-y in construction, and so the subject-tag is also accurate as a description of the manner in which the content is presented, and is thus ironic, and altogether too much for poor Mr. deBoer.
Longer version for unknown reasons:
Again, guessing from the headline, it seems that there is a twitter account called @SavedYouaClick that presumably retweets articles with clickbaiting headlines and includes the answer(s) promised by such headlines, thereby ‘saving’ you a ‘click’. I’m supposing that Vox wrote an article about the recent statement made by one of the Sopranos’ creators regarding the ‘true’ meaning of the ambiguous series finale*, and to save their readers from this Word of God spoiler, should they wish to interpret the text without authorial influence, or if indeed they have not watched the show but intend to and would rather not know the ending before they began. Following that, I’m guessing @SavedYouaClick tweeted the Vox article and included the spoiler, and then Vox wrote an/some articles about that, and then someone at the New York Observer wrote an article about the whole debacle, for which headline writer at the New York Observer wrote a rather clickbait-y headline, and then some other person added the “Clickbait” subject-tag, which ironically was descriptive of both the message and the medium.
Saved You A Click is hilarious. Amazingly dry internet comedy.
What happened next is unthinkable!