Another one of those “what is your political ideology” tests, which are weirdly fun to take, despite being predictable. At least this one has a pretty “political ideology” chart. My results are below the fold, but I don’t think it’ll surprise anyone that I’m more socialist than bloggers at Balloon Juice, Crooks and Liars, Oliver Willis, and Talk Left.
More interesting is the Implicit Association Tests. I notice that they’ve now added a test which tests for bias against fat people. These tests are more interesting than the standard internet tests, I think.
You are a Social Liberal (81% permissive) and an… Economic Liberal (5% permissive) You are best described as a:
Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid |
Five percent economic liberty? You probably would allow little children to sell lemonade on the street – without even considering the environmental impact or the fact that lemonade causes tooth decay, thus requiring massive regulatory oversight.
Wait a minute! I’m more socially liberal than Amp? See, that just doesn’t seem right. Heck, when I took the test, I was mildly annoyed at how eager they were to label someone “socialist” given what a loaded term that still is. I’d say I’m a pragmatic progressive but not an exceptional “far out” one. But I scored at 85% socially permissive. Admitedly, I’m a bit more “conservative” on the economically permissive scale (18%) but not enough to nudge me into the Democrat catagory.
Shockingly enough on the IAT I show a strong automatic preference for fat people over thin people.
85 Social, 11 Economic. Compared to amp, I guess I’m a bit more of a capitalist and about the same kind of anti-totalitarian. (In the extra bit at the end, I note with some pleasure that the Iraq war is down to 15% approval.)
I did a few of the IAT things a while back, and got a strong preference for fat people (I’m fat) and a slight preference for black people (I’m white). I did a new one this time, and got a slight preference for gay people (I’m straight). I’m inclined to think it’s bollocks.
I scored Social Liberal (73% permissive) and Economic Liberal (25% permissive).
They called me a strong Democrat. Eeeew! I think the Democrats are only slightly less sold out to corporate interests than the Republicans. I feel like I need to take a shower now.
I’m not convinced by that test – it thought I had a preference for George W over other presidents. I don’t actually prefer Clinton over Bush, but I certainly don’t prefer Bush over Clinton.
I’m not convinced by the other test either, it asked me if I thought the world would be better if there were no corporations just small businesses – I’m anti-capitalist so I want to get rid of the small businesses as well as the big ones.
I scored nearly identically to Sennoma!
I recall coming up somewhere in the Democrat region but very near the Socialist boundary. I do find I’m getting more North-Euro-social-democrattish these days. I’m always slightly amused to discover, when he actually talks about policy opinions as opposed to how much he hates Bush, that I’m significantly to the left of Oliver Willis.
it is? (is this a Europe/America divide thing?)
Those are seriously irritating. My fingers are itching from the inside out.
You are a Social Liberal (65% permissive)and an… Economic Liberal (36% permissive)You are best described as a: Democrat
Hm. How about that.
You are a Social Liberal (75% permissive) and an Economic Liberal (26% permissive). You are best described as a: Strong Democrat.
LOL! I wonder how you get to be a Libertarian on this thing.
I’m best described as a socialist apparently, and social liberal (91% permissive) and economic liberal (5% permissive).
I’m not at all sure that the IAT measures attitudes with any real validity, though. It rated me as having a slight preference for fat people, which seems odd given that I tend to be attracted to men who are notably on the thin side (my personal “sexiest celebrity dude” pick is 5’11 and about 155 pounds, to give a sense of preferences). The setup is wierd from a psychological perspective – it seems to assume that hesitancy to associate a certain demographic group with negative words is an indication of a preference for that group, when in fact that hesitancy could just as easily indicate guilt about feelings one knows to be morally wrong. I’m not sure that the methodology is very sound.
I wonder what question Amp answered to get the 5% economically liberal rating. My best guess from my test results is the question about whether athletes should be paid less, which is disagreed with.
I can’t remember if I said I “somewhat agreed with” or “somewhat disagreed with” the idea that star athletes are overpaid. From a market point of view, they’re being paid a fair amount for an extremely rare ability that’s in incredibly high demand. I don’t really have a problem with that.
On the other hand, from a non-market perspective, it just doesn’t seem that anyone can “earn” 12 million a year or more – not in any sense of the word “earn” that makes sense to me.
I’m pretty sure I said somewhat disagreed, for the market reason you gave above. Of course the idea that anyone really “deserves” that much money is absurd, but in my personal opinion they deserve it a lot more than your standard issue CEO, whose job a much higher percentage of the population could theoretically do.
83 % Social liberal, 15 & economic liberal. It seems that I am a socialist. It seems that it’s easy to be labeled as one by that test, at least.
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Huh, yet again I’m called a libertarian. 90% social, 80% economic.