I’m off to Florida to visit my parents. I’ll probably be blogging again once I’m over the jet lag, but in the meanwhile I’d better clear some links off my desktop…
The US May Be Backing Down on Dalfur Being Gay In Nambia Gallagher and Blankenhorn Respond Sometimes I Can’t Fucking Stand White People. McMarten Revisited And I Am Not Lying, For Real Bat Boy: The Musical While there is no right not to be looked at, that doesn’t mean it’s always right to look. Xander Patterson For Multnomah County Commission The They Hate Queers! They Really, Really, Really Do! Icelandic Women Strike For Equality The Case Against Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) The Conservative Case for Same Sex Marriage
The Debate Link points out recent moves that suggest we’re preparing to live and let live with genocide.
Obsidian Wings quotes extensively from a great Washington Post article about being Gay in Nambia.
Maggie Gallagher and David Blankenhorn have separately responded to a post of mine about the (in my opinion) changing positions of anti-SSM folks over the years. I will respond sometime in the next several days.
Occasional “Alas” poster Sydney lets off some steam.
Twenty years ago, children who attended McMarten preschool were abused by police, prosecutors, parents, media, and psychologists, who collectively bullied the children into making up horrific accounts of sexual abuse by satanic cultists, leading to many ruined lives and unjust criminal prosecutions. Unfortunately, some feminists – including some prominent ones – were on the wrong side, as anti-feminist Cathy Young points out.
I’ve really been enjoying the stories told on And I Am Not Lying. Particular favorites: Movies and TV Led Me Astray Once Again, about trying not to be an asshole in a world that seems full of assholery, and The Night Was Fierce and Fabulous, about attending a (mostly) drag queen party. Nice photos, too.
(Currently listening to.)
Hugo discusses questions of feminism, ethics, objectification, and checking out good looking people on the street.
My favorite local water commissioner – and one of my favorite local politicians – has his eye on a slightly higher rung of the ladder. Go, Xander, go!
Creating a Fair Voting System in Ohio
Daniel Tokaji discusses the subtle issues of making voting more convenient while still trying to achieve fairness and honesty.End Change of Gay Culture
Warren has a thoughtful post about the mainstreaming of gay culture.
The Log Cabin Republicans provide an impressive list of queer-bashing quotes from conservatives. Hat tip: PurpleScarf.
Women began the working week by abandoning their offices, classrooms and kitchens to join a remarkable strike for equal wages. Marching through Reykjavik and other Icelandic towns, they banged pots and pans and shouted, “Women, let’s be loud!” and “Equality now!”
What puzzles me is that, in the past, I’ve heard HSAs described as “donut-shaped” – that is, the first thousand or so is covered by the HSA, the next thousand or two is paid by the consumer, and after that it’s paid for by HSA. That’s a much better design than what’s described in this critique, because it wouldn’t discourage preventative care – although, of course, a lot of the critiques would apply to the donut-shaped accounts.
Dale Carpenter, guest-blogging at the Volokh conspiracy, makes the right-wing case for marriage equality. The above link takes you to all of Dales’ Volokh posts; so far, he’s doing an excellent job.
If one assumes that a person is making their money, including enough money to have no incentive to "work", by…
Ob sie wirklich Deutsch spricht. Normalweise, kommt die US Soldaten nicht ins Stadt und spricht nicht so oft mit denn…
As for being a Nazi, ich spreche fliessend deutsch und wohnte in Deutschland fuer drei Jahre mit der americanishe Luftwaffe…
And of course this "incentive" only applies to poor people: Rich people who already have enough to live off of…
When capitalized, "Sie" is the formal way to address adults of either gender in polite German. I majored in the…