Congratulations to Mythago!

yellowkingMythago, under her meatworld name “Laurel Halbany,” has published a story in a new anthology from Celeano Press, In The Court of the Yellow King. The anthology contains new stories set in the King in Yellow Mythos created in 1895 by author Robert W. Chambers.

All of Chamber’s original “King in Yellow” stories contained three elements in common:

  • A mysterious and cursed play in book form, banned since its release, called ‘The King in Yellow.’
  • A supernatural entity mentioned in the play also called ‘The King in Yellow.’
  • A mysterious symbol called ‘The Yellow Sign’ which is connected with the play and the King in Yellow.

You can read more about In The Court of the Yellow King on Celeano Press’ website, and you can order a copy from Amazon (where it’s a “favorite book of the year”) or from Powells.

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16 Responses to Congratulations to Mythago!

  1. Ampersand says:

    Congrats, Mythago!

    And, I’m curious: Is there a connection between Chambers’ “Yellow King” and the Yellow King referred to in the TV show “True Detective?”

  2. Myca says:

    Holy crap, Mythago! Congratulations! Can’t wait to read it!


  3. Falstaff says:

    Amp, I would bet my boots there is — I did a fair amount of googling when I recently devoured that show — but of course your question is for the author to answer.

    Mythago, this is both profoundly odd (in that I don’t think I’ve ever addressed you directly, even though I’ve been reading comments you’ve left on various left-leaning and literature-related websites for… my God, about twelve or thirteen years now? Cripes, I’m getting old.) and really awesome. I couldn’t be more thrilled for you, nor more excited to run out and get your book. (Well, order. I’m in Australia and I figure it’ll take its time getting here.)

  4. Mandolin says:

    Lovely cover!

    I am overwhelmed with YA reading right now but I’ll doy best to check it out.

  5. Congratulations! That’s great news.

  6. brian says:

    Mythago, excellent news AND as a huge fan of the source material 2 thumbs up on the subject chosen. I’ll be sure to order it when funds permit!

  7. Simple Truth says:

    Huzzah! Congrats Mythago!

  8. Jake Squid says:

    Congratulations, Mythago. I look forward to reading it.

  9. nobody.really says:

    Damn. What Myca said.

    But come on, Amp — being the first comment on your own blog post? Are you so hard up for traffic on this web site as to stoop to this?

  10. Ampersand says:

    I will stoop to any level, any level at all! Bah hah hah ha ha!

  11. Eytan Zweig says:

    Congratulation, Mythago! Seems like a cool anthology.

  12. mythago says:

    Thanks guys! There are a lot of way better stories than mine in that book, I feel compelled to point out. (And the cover is indeed amazing.)

    @Amp, yes, it’s a reference to Chambers.

    @Falstaff, any other names where I might have seen you that you feel comfortable sharing? And yes to what you said about being old :/

  13. Falstaff says:

    @Mythago, probably not. I usually use “Falstaff” as a pseudonym — being one of that first-to-second generation of Internet users that got told never to give out your name online — and usually that’s what I stick to, but occasionally I’ve used “Eric S. Gratton,” which happens to be my real name.

    I really hope I don’t come off like a creepy stalker here — I think it’s mostly that you and I have similar tastes in political commentary (and science-fiction authors) combined with the fact that my fairly extreme anxiety keeps me from commenting very often. When I do, it’s usually at Lance Mannion’s website, here, Scalzi’s Whatever, and (long ago, not that I had any real reason that I stopped commenting there) the original Slacktivist site, LGM, and Pandagaon. (I was a regular at Shakesville for some years, but… yeah, not so much any more.) Much like here, even if I don’t have anything to say, I always read the comments.

  14. Ampersand says:

    When I do, it’s usually at Lance Mannion’s website, here, Scalzi’s Whatever, and (long ago, not that I had any real reason that I stopped commenting there) the original Slacktivist site, LGM, and Pandagaon. (I was a regular at Shakesville for some years, but… yeah, not so much any more.)

    Hey, those are all sites I love. Except for Lance Mannion’s site. I’ve never heard of that one.

    (Pauses, considers.)

    (Googles and subscribes to Lance Mannion’s site.)

  15. mythago says:

    Falstaff, not creepy at all. (I don’t hang out much at Pandagon in the last while, because, ugh.) Thanks for the pointer to Lance Mannion.

  16. RonF says:

    Mythago, congratulations! Will this be showing up in the chain bookstores? I suppose I’ll be able to get it on Amazon.

    I have to confess that this brought to mind one of my favorite pieces of music, The Court of the Crimson King!

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