Check out this post by the Countess (aka Trish Wilson), debunking various men’s rights claims about the supposed epidemic of false abuse accusations in divorce court. They’ve been shouting louder lately because PBS broadcast a report about abusers who receive custody of their children. From Trish’s post:
It is telling that [men’s rights activist] Glenn Sacks did post the daughter’s side of the story, but he buried her statement within his web site. It is not on the main page that gives prominence to the statements of her allegedly abusive father and those who support him.
Most tellingly, the daughter’s statement is on Sacks’s web site entitled “The Opposition’s Side Of The Story.” This teenaged girl who spoke about her own experience of being abused by her father and stepmother is considered “the opposition”. That’s one hell of a Freudian slip.
It really is. Read Trish’s whole post.
UPDATE: Glenn thinks that readers should look at this page before making up their minds. And Trish has posted a lengthy statement from the mother, here.
UPDATE 2: Trish has set up this webpage containing many relevant links.
UPDATE 3: Cathy Young attempts to sort through the claims and counter-claims.
Thanks for the link, Amp. That was a doozy of a Freudian slip, wasn’t it?
The girl, Fatima, and her mother, Sadiya Alilire, told their stories on the documentary “Breaking The Silence: Children’s Stories. Alilire has been attacked by fathers’ rights activists, in particular Glenn Sacks and Wendy McElroy. Sacks posted outdated documentation by the father in that case, and called Alilire a “child abuser”. Alilire had to right her own statement because of this. She had no choice, due to the relentless attacks. You can read her statement here.
Hey, Amp, I’m just letting you know that I updated on my blog and on my web site with documentation provided by Sadiya Alilire. The documentation she provided is much newer than what Scott Loeliger has been passing around. She had to write her statement and circulate her documentation in response to Loeliger circulating his. She also had to do this because of Glenn Sacks’s page denouncing her and calling her a child abuser. She has never been convicted of child abuse. Plus, her daughter Fatima has been living with her for three years, and Fatima wants to stay there.
The documentation and other information about Sadiya and Fatima and the documentary “Breaking The Silence: Children’s Stories” is available on my web site.
Thanks for the link to my web site, Amp. Your readers helped to drive my web site up to the number one slot on Google when you search “Breaking The Silence” Loeliger. I’m ahead of Glenn Sacks’s page now. Thanks to all of you. :)
Ugh. Whereas I listen to and read Glenn Sacks a lot, I shudder at all this back-and-forth “who has the facts right?” stuff.
I had trusted Glenn to do his homework, but one can never be sure…
I guess Glenn saw his own Freudian slip. He has changed his “The Opposition’s Side Of The Story” to now read “Sadiya Loeliger’s Side Of The Story”. He links to some of my web pages. That doesn’t change the fact that he had originally referred to Fatima Loeliger’s own story about abuse she had experienced at the hands of her father and stepmother as “The Opposition”.