Crooks and Liars has links to clips of the Daily Show’s recent segment on same-sex marriage, featuring Ed Helms interviewing Massachusetts anti-SSM activist Brian Camenker and a newly married gay couple. As Tom at Family Scholars says, “the juxtaposition of Camenker’s gay-marriage-advocates-are-like-Nazis analogy with the friendly gay couple interviewed is devastating.”
Meanwhile, Back At Gay Headquarters
The Family Scholars thread is hilarious, by the way, because a couple of Family Scholars readers immediately came forward to defend the Nazi analogy. One of them also complains about the environmental harms of pro-SSM activists “driving to gay headquarters everyday” (anti-SSM activists apparently work from home more often). Maybe it’s just me, but the phrase “gay headquarters” is just the funniest thing I’ve read in ages.
Who here is supriosed that Johnnie “Spam, uh, Sperm And Eggs” Howard turns out to be a raving monster loony who’s convinced that gay activists are going to test-tube breed super-homos and take over the world?
BTW, did you see the new wallpaper for the genetics lab and creche? It’s superb?
A headquarters? Really? Like with flag poles and stuff?
If you had told us that it was John Howard, it wouldn’t have been surprising. And, man, has he gone full out wacko. Do you think that he is a permanent resident of a psychiatric institution? I’m beginning to lean towards that belief.
BTW, in an effort to reduce pollution, Gay HQ has started bus service. Look for the pink mini-buses w/ photos of naked teens – that’s the bus to Gay HQ. Oh, and they run on natural gas.
A headquarters? Really? Like with flag poles and stuff?
And the best coffee and doughnuts, too!
They probably think that the gay HQ is filled with lots of hot, gay sex that is “too powerful to resist” (good article, by the way, about Paul Cameron).
Some hot gay hq action? Scandalous!
Hmm, well I couldn’t find any pictures of Gay Headquarters, but I did come across the Kaos Headquarters website. It’s a hair salon! Don’t try to tell me that is a coincidence…
Man, you guys get coffee AND doughnuts AND hot gay sex? Over here at Fundamentalists United to Conserve Kristendom, all we get is stale potato chips and an occasional grudging handjob from the secretary.
Lucky buggers.
Robert, you sure that isn’t “Fundamentalists United to Conserve KKKristendom?
We do NOT have donuts. Those things are fattening and all full of refined sugar. We do have a personal chef, of course.
But…I like donuts. I don’t care if they are fattening.
We’ll make low fat donuts from gourmet unrefined brown sugar, Coffee, will, of course, be roasted in-house.
Now, as for the super-costumes, for our super-homo army, do we go with Vera Wang or Versace?
We also have wholemeal bread with hummus and organic vegetable soup, and caffeine-free tea.
But a doughnut and coffee in the mornings to set me up for a day of destroying marriage and making the sky fall I insist on.
I rather like hummus. I am not sure about “low fat” donuts. I really want my normal fat laden tasty snacks washed down with highly caffienated hot beverages.
As for “super-costumes, for our super-homo army”? Shouldn’t we stick to the classics? Primary colors: red, white, and blue in spandex, with under wear on the outside. We can even keep the “S”.
I am so looking forward to jumping into the Gaymobile and shouting “Gay Headquarters! Quick as you can!”
But, with the scarcity of phone booths these days, where do we change into our costumes?
Amp, sounds like Gay HQ needs a lesson in Fat Acceptance!
I can’t wait to see the new, revised version (7.2) of the “gay agenda” you’ve been working on there at headquarters. Please send me a copy when it’s ready!
Hee hee. I loved the clip from The Daily Show.
The best part was the end where the couple is talking about what they want from marriage: “A partner…a companion…a warm bed at night…someone to share your life with.”
Ed Helms: “Disgusting.” (Hee!)
Admittedly, when the anti-SSM guy said gay activists use the same kind of propaganda as Nazis, I though, “Well, yeah, they both seem to like muscular guys in shorts…”
The comments at Family Scholars just get better and better. John Howard is truly off. My favorite so far is comment # 50 in which JH says that landlords should be able to refuse to rent to somebody if they seem “too gay.” This, and I hesitate to use the word, person exemplifies the bigotry that I believe to be at the core of the anti-Marriage Equality “movement.”