"Daddy, Poppa and Me" taken down by hacker scum

UPDATE: It’s back online now. Yay!

A longtime blog-friend of “Alas,” Daddy, Poppa and Me, appears to have been brought down by a hacker. Fortunately, Trey had back-ups of most of his files, and was able to recover more from google.

But Trey’s blog is not yet back up. Currently, every page on Trey’s site either goes to a page saying ‘hacked by hatsa’ or to a “The requested URL was not found on this server” page. This happens despite the fact that the files are there; Trey, and Trey’s ISP tech folks, cannot figure out what’s causing the redirection.

If anyone might have expertise with hacker attacks and security, or has ideas how Trey could fix the damage, Trey would welcome any advice or assistance. He’d even give ftp/telnet access to any long-term readers (i.e., people we know are trustworthy!) of his blog or of “Alas.” Leave suggestions and comments on this thread, and I’ll make sure Trey sees them.

Trey also wants everyone to know that “I WILL be back even if I have to move hosts and go through all that hassle! I’m not going to let a malicious hacker end my blog.”

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22 Responses to "Daddy, Poppa and Me" taken down by hacker scum

  1. Susan says:

    wow, what dogs. I hope they die the slow, miserable deaths they deserve.

    I don’t know anything about hackers, but I’ve long wondered how I could get access to make comments at Trey’s blog. Nothing that I do seems to work. Maybe when he gets it back up someone can help me. It’s one of the better blogs on the ‘net.

    Many sympathies, Trey, from a long-time fan!!

  2. Susan says:

    Excuse my immediately preceding post, which was an unwarranted and inaccurate smear on the good name of dogs, who are nice beings who would never behave in such a despicable way.

  3. trey says:

    Thanks very much Barry

    and Susan…

    I received an email about ‘perverts get hacked’ but not sure if it was from the hacker or some stupid kid. Anyway, I called my host just now, they say they are still working on it and that it’s a ‘DNS’ thing (well.. yeah.. figured that).

    I’m don’t know much about security either, like is there anything in the future I can do to make this harder on hackers (when its a hosted service)? How did they do this in the first place?

    Let me tell you, it gave me a huge sinking feeling yesterday when I saw that. I had saved my back up temporarily on the same server and forgot it was there (got busy with other things).. I was so sure that 4 years of our family’s journal was gone forever. Luckily, they didn’t delete that file. The deletions seemed random really. I just wanted to get back at them.. but its hard to swing at ghosts named hatsa… and anyway.. i’m trying to be a better non-revengeful man :).

    I’m going to print stuff now too.

    (as to comments Susan, I even have had problems with comments on my own blog!! something with the spam filter.. i just haven’t had time to go through and figure out what simple words are blocking comments)

    thanks again barry…

  4. Susan says:

    Hang in there, Trey. I can’t help you a bit about anything technical – I can just barely turn the damn thing on – but you have our sympathy, believe it! It’s a marvelous blog, and we’re all waiting for it to come up again!

  5. crayz says:

    I don’t think the host knows what they’re talking about. Accessing lathefamily.org doesn’t appear to result in any redirection, it’s just loading the “hacked” page as default content. That content is served up directly by a server hosted by “C I Host”, which I assume is either who he hosts with or the people who run the datacenter of the place he hosts with

    If its been this long and the host still can’t find out what’s going on, I’d recommend finding a new host(I work at a web host so I won’t start making recommendations, but look for people who actually know wtf they’re doing)

    As far as not getting hacked in the future, if you’re just running a blog/personal website it’s really just a matter of staying up-to-date on software updates and using “strong” passwords. Backups are of course essential, but the host should be doing those for you anyhow

  6. Kim (basement variety!) says:

    Trey – back up, back up, back up. Matt and I had a scare last spring where we thought we lost all digital files of pictures of Sydney since birth and have since then been making duplicate CD’s of everything. We are actually looking into getting a safe deposit box simply for the photo files and scans of important documents.

    As for the hacker and the comments. Fucking assholes. Pardon my language, but if they are the moral majority or somehow superior, then I’ll gladly wallow with the perverts and heathens than spend a moment of my time, energy or effort on douche bags like that. Barry told me about it this afternoon and I just got this angry pit in my stomach about how people could even come to be such hateful self-righteous jerks.

  7. lucia says:

    I think you need to check with the domain name registrar. Chances are you have an account, and a password. Maybe someone hacked *that* account, and changed the pointers. Anyway, if they hacked THAT, they you’ll need to figure out how to create a more difficult to hack password for that account.

    (I ran a whois here:
    http://www.networksolutions.com/whois/index.jhtml You can check to see if the current data seems to be correct.)

  8. leslie says:

    Trey I’m really sorry to hear about your site. I’ve been reading it for a long time although I very rarely comment. Really ugly that someone would do that and it does seem like a bigoted, targeted thing rather than some random jerk. I agree with the other commenters who suggest changing ISPs since they seem to be puzzled about what’s going on. good luck getting it back up and protected from the hateful idiots in the world.

    and Barry – thanks for telling us about it!

  9. Susan says:

    Pardon my language, but if they are the moral majority or somehow superior, then I’ll gladly wallow with the perverts and heathens than spend a moment of my time, energy or effort on douche bags like that.

    Funny how easily the “moral” part drops out on these folks. Creeps.

  10. werefish says:

    I am so sorry, Trey. I enjoy your site very much, but I had never commented.

    I hope everything comes back soon.

  11. Soozez says:


    I enjoy your blog quite a bit. Here’s hoping you get up and running again in short order!

    Kim (basement variety!)–yup, we started doing the same ting with photos of our now-toddling youngster. And we actually just GOT a real safety deposit box a couple of months ago for those backup CDs and key house documents–but of course, we haven’t put them in there yet…

  12. Susan says:

    I still can’t post!!

    I’ve tried explorer, safari and firefox.

    Is it because I’m running mac? :(

  13. Susan says:

    I post, and I see the preview, but when I hit “post” nothing happens. I mean, the screen cycles, but my post doesn’t show up. Help!

  14. trey says:

    yes.. thank you everyone.. its back.. (and i’ve backed up!)

    susan, i have NOOO idea why you can’t post a comment. maybe your ip is somehow accidently banned (or is similar to a spam ip)? It shouldn’t be becauses you have a mac… i have a mac as do some people who post comments and it works there.

    Have you tried from a different computer/internet service provider?

    i really want to solve this too.. i’d like to get your comments and if you aren’t able to that means others can’t either.

  15. trey says:

    btw, I still don’t know what they did to fix it. The hosting service is a small operation it seems and doesn’t get back to me very quickly :/

    at least its up for now!!

  16. lucia says:

    Susan, disappearing comments at Trey’s site happened to me too! But, I assumed that was because I have such a crummy blog address. . .

    Trey. If you get hacked a lot (and frankly even once is a lot in my book), and you are on an apache machine, you should at least do what I did after I got hacked. Code .htaccess to restrict access to your administration area so the only permitted IPs are yours and those used by your cobloggers.

    (For that matter, Amp should do the same– restrict access to Amps , Kim’s Nick and Pseudo-Adrenne’s IPs. You can always edit the .htaccess file when new coblogger joins.) I blogged about this, after I was hacked but if I enter the URL here, WordPress will be unhappy!

  17. Susan says:


    I ordinarily post and access the internet through earthlink DSL. So I tried that. Nothing.

    Then I did a dial-up through a very small local provider. Nothing.

    Next, I’m going to try a different computer (downstairs), but I don’t have much hope of that.

  18. Susan says:

    Hey, I made it work!! Explorer works now, though Firefox doesn’t. Hooray!!

  19. trey says:

    ok, very strange. a browser difference?

  20. Ampersand says:

    You know, now that Susan mentions it, I’ve had that exact same thing happen to me – I wasn’t able to register to post on P.Z. Meyer’s blog in Firefox, but I was able to do it in I.E. P.Z. eventually fixed the problem, as I recall.

  21. trey says:

    do you know how he was able to do it? Wonder if he’s nice enough not to mind me asking :)

  22. Ampersand says:

    I don’t know what he did (or even if he did anything – for all I know, the problem fixed itself). But I’ve always found P.Z. to be nice, so I’d go ahead and ask if I were you.

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